- Experiments are performed using a CW tunable CO2 laser and SF6 gas as nonlinear medium. 使用可调谐连续波CO_2激光器和SF_6气体作非线性介质作了实验研究.
- We introduce optical nonlinear medium to multi-layers structure and discuss the influence of optical non-linearity on surface plasmon resonance. 将光学非线性介质引入到多层膜结构中,讨论光学非线性对表面等离子体共振角谱的影响。
- Based on the character of the Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beam's transmission in free space, the paper analyzed the intensity after the GSM beam through the nonlinear medium. 摘要根据高斯-谢尔模型光束在自由空间中传输的特性,研究它在穿过非线性介质后的衍射光强。
- A detail study was made on the phase conjugate process in the near degenerate four wave mixing in a nonlinear medium based on solving of the coupled wave equations. 从求解耦合波方程出发,详细研究了非线性光学介质中由近简并四波混频所产生的相位共轭过程。
- Impacts of Logarithmically Saturable Nonlinear Media on Gaussian Beams[J]. 引用该论文 李大义;唐永林;陈建国;康俊;张科军.
- According to the nonlinear medium theory given by Bloem bergen and Pershan, we have solved Maxwell equations by using pertubution method in power of the surface roughness parameter. 依据Bloembergen和Pershan关于非线性介质的理论;用微扰论方法求解了麦克斯韦方程.
- The propagation of optical beams in the nonlocal nonlinear media is modelled by the nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NNLSE). 空间光束在非局域非线性介质中的传输满足非局域非线性薛定鄂方程(NNLSE)。
- If boundary conditions are changed properly, this solution is of general significance to problems of axiaymmetric nonlinear media in Electrostatics. 如果适当地改变边界条件,那么这个求解方案对轴对称非线性介质静电学问题的解决具有普遍的意义。
- The characteristic and law of interaction of multi-spatial solitons (more than two) in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media is discussed. 研究了在强非局域情况下,非局域非线性介质中多个(大于两个)空间孤子相互作用的特点与规律。
- Up to the present, optical vortex solitons have been observed experimentally in different mediums including Kerr, saturable-atomic and photorefractive nonlinear media. 目前,空间涡旋光孤子已在多种非线性光学介质中观测到,如克尔介质、饱和非线性介质、光折变介质等。
- Abstract: Small-scale ripples in intense laser beams caused by intensity or phase modulations will grow fast due to self-focusing effect after passing through the nonlinear media. 摘要 : 由入射强激光束的强度或相位调制引起的小尺度纹波在经过非线性介质后,将产生强烈的自聚焦效应。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Abstract: Numerically solving equations governing the variations of the beam size and the curvature of wave front in the logarithmically nonlinear media( LNM), the propagating characteristics of Gaussian beams have been described in detail. 文摘:根据对数型非线性介质中高斯光束的束宽和波阵面曲率变化所满足的耦合方程,采用数值计算对高斯光束的传输特性进行了详细的分析。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。
- The three-dimensional paraxial Gaussian beam propagation properties is investigated in axial symmetric strongly nonlocal nonlinear media by the means of variation method, the parameters′ evolution law and a critical power is obtained. 利用变分原理,研究了三维傍轴高斯光束在轴对称强非局域非线性介质中的传输特性,得到了傍轴高斯光束各参量的演化规律和一个临界功率。
- This cloth is of medium quality. 这种布质量平平。
- The comparison with analytical solutions obtained by other approaches shows that the variational approach is one of the efficient methods in analysing the beam evolution in nonlocal nonlinear media. 通过与其他方法得到的解比较表明,变分法是解析讨论光束在非局域非线性介质中演化规律的方法之一。
- He prefers a happy medium in life. 他在生活中甘居中游。
- The variation equation describing distance dependence of the beam waist of a fundamental Gaussian beam with high intensity propagating in logarithmically saturable nonlinear media has been deduced. 导出了在对数饱和非线性介质中传播的强激光基模高斯光束宽度随传播距离变化的方程。
- A fish in water is in its natural medium. 鱼在水里就是在自然环境中。