- In the daily life, people ofen run into the problem of nonlinear equation F (X)=0. 摘要在日常实际应用中,人们会经常遇到求非线性方程f(x)=0的近似根问题。
- Boundary layer phenomena of third-order nonlinear equation is studied in this paper. 摘要研究某类三阶非线性方程的边界层现象。
- Waxman-Smits (W-S) equation is an evolution of Acrhie equation for shaly sands, and it is a nonlinear equation. 方程是阿尔奇方程在泥质砂岩地层中的推广,W-S方程为非线性方程。
- There are no shortcuts to actually "expressing" a convoluted, nonlinear equation to discover what it does. 要想真正“表达”一个复杂的、非线性的方程以了解其实际行为,是没有捷径可走的。
- They can be expressed by the nonlinear equation for the Cdf (cumulative distribution function)of generalized noncentral t-distribution. 它们可用广义非中心t-分布的分布函数的非线性方程表出。
- Gu S L,Hui D F,Mo H D.The optimal fitting of the nonlinear equation with contraction-expansion algorithm[J].Acta Agron.Sin.,1998.24(5):513-519. [13]顾世梁;惠大丰;莫惠栋.;非线性方程最优拟合的缩张算法[J]
- A new Brent algorithm has been used to solve nonlinear equations. 应用了一种新的解非线性方程组方法即Brent 方法。
- A workspace based interference model of a 6-DOF parallel machine tool is established, which is expressed by a group of parameterized nonlinear equation. 以6自由度并联机床为研究对象,建立基于作业空间的干涉模型-含参数非线性方程组;
- A class of singularly perturbed boundary value problem of weakly nonlinear equation for fourth order on the finite interval with two parameters is considered. 摘要讨论了一四阶具有双参数的弱非线性方程在有限区间上的奇摄动边值问题。
- Real examples show that AVSSGA is a common solution for nonlinear equation, compared with simple genetic algorithm (SGA).It can double computing efficiency. 实例计算与发动机仿真结果说明:所设计的变搜索域遗传算法可作为通用的非线性方程解法,相比较于简单遗传算法,能成倍提高计算效率;
- And nonlinear memory viscoelastic melt was described by K-BKZ integral constitutive equation.Suitable iteration with rapid convergence was given to solve nonlinear equation. 同时采用K-BKZ积分型本构模型描述熔体的非线性记忆性,给出求解非线性方程组的迭代方法,取得较好的收敛性。
- The methods play a leading role in the studies of solving nonlinear equations. 此迭代法对解非线性方程组有极其重要的意义。
- A Second-order periodic Sotution of Van der pol equation is obtained by perturbation method and emend this method's application range to strong nonlinear equation Via exact transformtion. 本文用摄动法求出范德波方程的二阶周期解,利用恰当变换,把此法的应用范围扩充到强非线性方程。
- First of all,the nonlinear equation of structure is presented in this paper based on virtual work principle. It is thought that the Updated Lagrangian Formulation(U.L.Formulation) is more adapt for nonlinear analysis computer program for arch bridge. 首先,本文基于虚功原理,推导了结构几何非线性方程,指出更新的拉格朗日列士法(U.;L列士)更适用于桥梁结构非线性分析程序的编制。
- Second-order periodic Sotution of Van der pol equation is obtained by perturbation method and emend this method's application range to strong nonlinear equation Via exact transformtion. 本文用摄动法求出范德波方程的二阶周期解,利用恰当变换,把此法的应用范围扩充到强非线性方程。
- The cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) is one of the most-studied nonlinear equations in the physical and chemical community. 摘要三阶复金兹伯格-朗道方程(CGLE)是物理和化学等领域广泛研究的非线性方程之一。
- Aim of the question is to work out nonlinear equations directly in space of nonlinear. 其宗旨是不对非线性函数作线性化处理而直接在非线性函数空间进行误差方程或目标函数的非线性解算。
- By using accelerating Aitken method in iterative method of nonlinear equations,a new modified method is given. 通过对非线性方程组的迭代法引入Aitken加速技术,设计了一种非线性方程组的迭代解法的加速方法;
- Indicates the Newton-Raphson option used to solve the nonlinear equations in a static or full transient analysis. 我的理解是:当有多个荷载步时,这两个命令如果在第一荷载步设置后,以后的荷载步都沿用上面的设置。
- The nonlinear equations are rapidly solved by ordinary Newton iteration because the basic iterative step inv... 经实践证明,用上法绘出的图形光顺性好、精度高,完全符合生产要求。