- nonlinear dual porosity 非线性双重介质
- There are two types of dual porosity media: racture-pore and fracture-vug, which displays quite different performance. 摘要地层中存在2双重介质:裂缝-孔隙型和裂缝-溶洞型。
- The behaviour of porous rock matrix,property of crack set,together with the multiphase flow,have been coupled into a dual porosity mul... 并给出了任意倾角的孔隙裂隙岩体中井孔围岩的变形与岩体内部流体的流动的数值解。
- A multiparameter model of calculating the filtration rate of fracturing fluid in dual porosity media is set up in the paper. 摘要文章建立了一种多参数计算压裂液在双重介质中滤失速度的模型。
- The most protruding question of carbonate reservoir are extremely strong unhomogeneity and dual porosity model characteristics. 碳酸盐岩油藏最突出的问题是极强的非均质性和双孔隙网络特征。
- A non-Newtonian power-law fluid testing model through dual porosity reservoirs is presented, based on the studies of forerunners. 摘要在前人工作的基础上,建立了非牛顿幂律流体有界双重介质试井模型。
- According to the theory of capillary electrokinetics and dual porosity water model, the relationship between Archie saturation index and reservoir characteristics is developed. 根据达西定律和阿尔奇公式的物理意义,由毛管电动力学和双水模型理论出发,建立了阿尔奇饱和度指数与储层渗透率、孔隙度、饱和度的相关性理论。
- In order to evaluate the migration of aerosols in porous media driven by gases, a dual porosity dual permeability mathematical model is proposed in symmetric cylinder coordinates. 摘要为了研究多孔介质对气体和气溶胶的封闭能力,用数值方法模拟了气体和气溶胶在多孔介质中的迁移。
- The dual porosity reservoir simulators,which were introduced into China these years,include mainly IMEX software of CMG company,SIMBESTII software of SSI company and VIP DUAL software of VIP families. 我国近年来引进的几种主要商用双介质油气藏模拟器都存在着严重的零平衡失效问题。
- Flow through Fissured Media with Dual Porosity and Nonlinear Elastic Behavior 双重孔隙介质非线性流固耦合渗流
- Well Test Model for Fractal Dual Porosity Closed Reservoir 分形双孔介质封闭油气藏的试井模型
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- New Method for Two-Phase Flow Displacement through Dual Porosity Media 双重介质两相驱替问题的新解法
- Derivation and Calculation of a Multiparameter Model of Fracturing Fluid Filtration in Dual Porosity Media 一种多参数的压裂液在双重介质中滤失模型的推导与计算
- His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy. 他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。
- Pressure-Sensitive Dual Porosity Medium Well Test Interpretation and Its Application in Tahe Oilfield 双重孔隙压敏介质试井解释及其在塔河油田的应用
- A Model Solution of Testing Analysis in Fractal Dual Porosity Reservoirs with Constant Pressure Outer Boundary 分形双孔介质外边界定压油气藏的试井分析模型解
- Formulization of CN Response makes it easy to correct poros... 介绍如何利用经验公式编程实现校正,以提高校正的准确性。
- At that point, the road opens out and becomes a dual carriageway. 公路在那个地方变宽了,变成了双车道。