- They also recommend facilitating the government's ability to mandate the nonexclusive licensing of a patent at reasonable rates. 她们也建议让政府拥有更多权力,强制以合理的价格进行非独家的专利授权。
- The license is nonexclusive and nontransferable. 这个许可证是非独家、不可转让的。
- The license is both nonexclusive and nontransferable. 这个许可证既是非独家、又是不可转让的。
- He has taken out a driving license. 他已领驾驶执照了。
- May I please have nonexclusive world rights in all languages? 我是否可以获得以各种文字出版该表的非专有版权?
- He can obtain a driver's license now. 他现在可以获得驾驶执照了。
- nonexclusive license 非独占许可证
- Seller hereby grants to Buyer and Licensee hereby accepts, a nontransferable, nonexclusive license to use and copy, on the terms and conditions set forth herein, the software program (s) listed in Article 10 of this License Contract 卖方特授予使用和复制本许可合同第10条所列软件程序的不可转让的非独家许可,而被许可人特此按本附件条款和条件接受该许可。
- His license was suspended for six months. 他的执照被吊销6个月。
- When is the expiration of your driving license? 你的驾驶执照何时到期?
- I used my driver's license as identification. 我用驾驶执照作为身分证明。
- Hunting without a license will land you in trouble. 无证狩猎将会使你陷入麻烦。
- We are applying for a license to sell wine. 我们正申请执照卖酒。
- His driver's license revealed his identity. 他的驾驶执照证明了他的身分。
- He's had his license endorsed for dangerous driving. 他的驾驶执照上载有危险驾驶记录。
- I also need to see a driver's license with prove of current address. 我还想看看你的驾照以证实一下你现在的住址。
- Such license shall be a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license. 上述许可应当是非排他性的、不可转让的、不可撤销的、免费的和全球性的许可。
- Cars with license plates ending in even numbers must go in this way. 牌照以偶数结尾的汽车必须走这条路。
- The policeman asked to see his driving license. 警察要求看他的驾驶执照。
- This license is no longer valid. 这张执照不再有效。