- non structural component 非构造部件
- The second kind of UI structural component is the zone. 第二种用户界面结构组件是区域。
- This scultpure of Ramses is also a structural component of his temple. 拉姆西斯的雕刻也是在他的寺庙里的其中一个雕刻品。
- It is also the essential structural component of all connective tissue. 它也是体内关节及皮肤细胞的重要组成部分。
- A protein similar to collagen that is the principal structural component of elastic fibers. 弹性蛋白与胶原白相似的一种蛋白质,是形成弹性纤维的主要成分
- In the meantime, it apparently functioned in these still aquatic tetrapods as a structural component of the skull. 而在这些仍是水生的四足动物身上,这块镫骨显然只是颅骨构造的一部份。
- Analysis of Gap Phenomenon in Atrioventricular Anterograde From Non structure Heart Diseases. 非器质性心脏病的房室传导裂隙现象分析。
- The tail fin is significant because it is a major structural component, whose failure has contributed to past crashes. 尾翼意义重大的原因在于它是一个主要的结构部件,过去许多坠机事件都与尾翼失灵有关。
- Orogenic evolution course can be rebuilt clearly by researching each tectonic unit (basic structural component). 通过对各构造相单元(基本构件)的研究可清楚地再造造山演化过程。
- Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants, is an integral structural component of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs. 几丁质是昆虫表皮和真菌细胞壁的特征成分,由于存在的特殊性而成为农药和医药研发的独特靶标。
- Collagen (type IV in basement membrane and types V and VI as fine fibrils) comprises the structural component of ECM that provides shape and stability. 胶原是细胞外基质的结构性成份,维持形状和稳定性。
- Autoclaved lightweight concrete and cold-formed thin-wall steel has been applied as structural component to low floor dwellings. 摘要蒸压轻质加气混凝土板和冷弯薄壁型钢在低层民居中已经作为承重结构加以应用。
- A new type of tray for mechanical defoaming is developed,which has a new structural component for mechanical defoaming placed over it. 该塔板是在普通塔板上放置一种特制的新型机械消泡构件。
- The dimensions of a structural component,such as the base of a column,used as a unit of measurement or standard for determining the proportions of the rest of the construction. 模数一个建筑部件的尺寸,如圆柱的基底,被用作决定此建筑其余部分的比例度量单位或标准
- Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants,is an integral structural component of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs. 几丁质是昆虫表皮和真菌细胞壁的特征成分,由于存在的特殊性而成为农药和医药研发的独特靶标。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- The dimensions of a structural component, such as the base of a column, used as a unit of measurement or standard for determining the proportions of the rest of the construction. 模数一个建筑部件的尺寸,如圆柱的基底,被用作决定此建筑其余部分的比例度量单位或标准
- A versatile swivel device for use in conjunction with a suspension assembly to impart a greater degree of articulation to a suspended ancillary structural component. 一种结合悬吊组合件使用的通用旋转接头装置,用以将更大程度的接合度施加给被悬吊的辅助结构部件。
- One of the most important plant plycoproteins is extensin, a structural component of cell walls, in which the side chains are tetrasaccharides of arabinose. 伸展蛋白是一种最重要的植物糖蛋白,它是一种细胞壁的组分,其侧链是阿拉伯四聚糖。