- The Legislative Council Commission is a statutory body independent of the Government. 立法会行政管理委员会是一个独立运作的法定机构,并不隶属政府编制。
- Each institution is an autonomous statutory body with its own ordinance and governing bodies. They are free to manage their own affairs within the restraints of the law. 每所院校都是独立的法定组织,受所属法例规管,并设有本身的管治组织,在法律范围内可自行处理内部事务。
- The Hospital Authority is a statutory body established in 1990 under the Hospital Authority Ordinance to manage all public hospitals. 医院管理局是一个法定机构,于一九九零年根据《医院管理局条例》成立,负责管理本港所有公立医院。
- The Legal Aid Services Council is an independent statutory body established to advise the Chief Executive of the HKSAR on legal aid policies. 法律援助服务局是一个独立于政府的法定机构,负责就法律援助政策向香港特别行政区行政长官提供意见。
- Transport for London is a statutory body created by the Greater London Authority Act (GLA) 1999. 伦敦运输是由1999年大伦敦机构法案(GLA)创造的法定的组织.
- The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) was established in 1966 as the statutory body responsible for promoting and expanding Hong Kong's external trade. 香港贸易发展局于一九六六年成立,是负责促进和发展香港对外贸易的法定机构。
- The Federation of Hong Kong Industries is a statutory body established in 1960 to promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong's industrial and business communities. 香港工业总会于一九六零年成立,属法定组织,致力促进和维护本港工商界的利益。
- Decisions on film classifications may be reviewed by the Board of Review (Film Censorship), a statutory body established under the Film Censorship Ordinance. 电影检查员作出的分级决定,可由根据《电影检查条例》成立的审核委员会(电影检查)覆审。
- The Hong Kong Sports Development Board is the statutory body responsible for the promotion and development of sport and physical recreation in Hong Kong. 香港康体发展局是一个法定组织,负责促进本港体育和康乐活动的发展。
- Each institution is an autonomous statutory body with its own ordinance and governing body. They are free to manage their own affairs within the parameters of the law. 每所院校都是独立的法定组织,受所属法例规管,并设有本身的管治组织,在法律规限的范围内可自行处理内部事务。
- Statutory bodies perform their functions according to the relevant legislation. 法定组织根据有关法例履行职能。
- A statutory body should be set up to monitor malpractices in tourism-related industries, according to most people interviewed in a survey. 一项调查显示,大部分受访者说应该设立一个法定机构,来监察与旅游相关行业的不法行为。
- The Board is a statutory body consisting of members with expertise in various fields covered by the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance. 古物谘询委员会是根据古物古迹条例成立的法定组织,并由有关法例所涉各专业范围的专门人材所组成。
- The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is an independent statutory body with the authority to approve, assess and accredit all post-internship medical training. 香港医学专科学院是独立法定机构,获授权批核、评估和评审所有驻院实习后的医疗训练课程。
- The Electoral Affairs Commission, an independent statutory body, is responsible for ensuring that elections in the HKSAR are conducted openly, honestly and fairly. 选举管理委员会是独立的法定组织,职责是确保香港特别行政区的选举以公开、公正和公平的方式进行。
- Another statutory body, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Advisory Committee, has also been established to advise the MPFA on the operation of the MPFSO. 此外,强制性公积金计划咨询委员会亦已成立,这个法定组织负责就条例的执行事宜向积金局提出意见。
- The Electoral Affairs Commission,an independent statutory body,is responsible for ensuring that elections in the HKSAR are conducted openly,honestly and fairly. 选举管理委员会是独立的法定组织,职责是确保香港特别行政区的选举以公开、公正和公平的方式进行。
- The FEHD also provides support to the Liquor Licensing Board,which is an independent statutory body constituted for the purpose of issuing liquor licences. 此外,也为酒牌局提供支援。酒牌局是独立法定机构,专责签发酒牌。
- The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is an independent statutory body with the authority to approve,assess and accredit all post-internship medical training. 香港医学专科学院是独立法定机构,获授权批核、评估和评审所有驻院实习后的医疗训练课程。
- The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA),established in 1973,is a statutory body responsible for implementing the majority of Hong Kong's public housing programmes. 房屋委员会是法定机构,于一九七三年成立,负责推行本港大部分的公营房屋计划。