- I worked for free for a non profit organization. 我曾无偿为一个非赢利组织工作过。
- Non profit - making organization is exempt from tax . 非赢利组织免税。
- ORG]Peter Maccallum Cancer Centre - Internet Site. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [PETERMAC.
- Utilize scratch card for fundraising is a fun and entertaining way to raise money for non profit organizations. 筹款性质的刮奖卡非常有意思,同时还能为非盈利组织募集资金。
- Web Shipping runs from the DHL Internet site using a web browser. 网上发件系统是通过网络浏览器,在DHL互联网网站上运行的程序。
- We'll tremble and cross our fingers," he said on his Internet site. 作为球迷,我们会非常激动,并且忠心祝他们好运。
- The New York stock exchange was a non profit organization that was largely self supervising. 纽约证券交易所是一个非盈利机构,大体上都是自主管理。
- Audi is a sponsor of the non profit Best Buddies and will continue to be for the upcoming years. 奥迪是一个赞助商非营利最佳朋友和将继续为即将到来的几年。
- A logo is the spearhead of a company's commercial brand or any economic or non profit entity for that matter. 一个标志是一家公司的商业品牌或任何经济或非盈利单位的标识。
- Eden Handicap Services Centre Bhd is a charitable non profit organisation providing FREE services to people with disabilities. 伊甸残障服务中心乃属一非营利慈善组织,我们所提供的服务皆免费。我们并不附属任何商业集团、企业或公司。
- Nanjing Theater Group is a non profit amateur theater group that produces theater productions to fund local humanitarian causes. 南京戏剧会是一家非营利性的戏剧团体他们每场演出的收入都将用于资助当地人道主义事业。
- Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) is a non profit, comprehensive art center founded in Beijing by collectors Guy and Myriam Ullens in November 2007. 尤伦斯当代艺术中心是一座非盈利的综合艺术中心,由收藏家尤伦斯夫妇出资建造,2007年11月正式开幕。
- IN THIS ARTICLE: Dr Andrew Weil is a health guru for millions through his Internet site, Ask Dr Weil. 本文简介:安德鲁·韦尔博士通过其互联网站----“询问韦尔博士”----成为上百万人尊敬的健康权威。
- This 15 minute except of the Emmy award winning documentary showcases how US based non profit organization literally transformed the lives of many teens. 这个从获艾美奖的记录片中截取的15分钟片段,展示了美国的非盈利组织怎样改变了许多十几岁的孩子的生活。
- WIPO's technical assistance programs for the past five years are summarized on the Internet site of WIPO. WIPO过去5年中执行的技术援助计划已总结发布在WIPO互联网站上。
- The owners do not endorse, recommend or stand behind the content of any other Internet site linked to this site. 业主不同意,站在后面的内容推荐或任何其他因特网网站,这个网站相连。
- The film is also unique because it offers an internet site www. Thesecret. Tv full of treasures. 这部电影的另一个独特之处是介绍了一个网站www.;thesecret
- The information on this internet site is directed and available to residents of Hong Kong only. 本网站内容仅为香港居民设计,并只供香港市民使用。
- Many Internet sites use patterns to name their computers. 很多因特网网址采用特别型式来命名它们的计算机。
- He will not divulge how much profit he makes, but the advertising and syndication revenues (from other internet sites that run Ohmy's articles) seem to keep him going nicely. 他没有透露赚了多少钱,但是从广告和联合收入(来自其他需要Ohmy文章的网站)上看,他的收入相当不错。