- Preconditioning;GAOR iterative method;GTOR iterative method;Weighted linear least squares problem;Linear system;Convergence. 预处理; GAOR方法; GTOR方法; 线性系统;最小二乘问题; 收敛速度.
- By which linear and non linear frequency response function was estimated, and nonlinear stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient of the model were optimized by least square method in this paper. 利用该方法对非线性频响函数进行估计,并利用了最小二乘法对模型的非线性刚度系数和非线性阻尼系数进行了优化。
- rank deficient linear least squares problem 亏秩线性最小二乘问题
- This paper presents the Nonnegative linear least square method of MATLAB-a quick and precise method of calculating mineral contents of detrital rocks with some examples. 通过实例介绍了使用MATLAB工具箱中非负线性最小二乘法根据岩石化学与镜下观察到的矿物种类对碎屑沉积岩中矿物含量进行定量计算的应用。
- Least squares in linear models II. 线性模型中的最小二乘法2。
- Aitken's linear least square method 艾特肯线性最小平方法
- singular linear least square method 奇异线性最小平方法
- The FBC is a non linear system which is chaotic. 流化床燃烧系统是一个具有混沌特性的非线性动力系统;
- Semiconvergence of AOR Iterative Methods for Solving the Rank Deficient Linear Least Squares Problems 亏秩线性最小二乘问题的AOR迭代法的半收敛性
- linear least square support vector machines(LLSSVM) 线性最小平方支持向量机
- With the theoretical and practical data analysis, it compares the nonlinear least square method (NLS)with the logarithmic linearization least square method (LLLS). 通过理论和实例分析,将非线性最小二乘(NLS)法与常用的对数线性化最小二乘(LLLS)法进行比较。
- Aitken rs linear least square method 艾特肯线性最小平方法
- Keywords FAAS;Interference;Linear least squares method;Quadratic fitting method;VBA; 火焰原子吸收法;干扰;线性最小二乘法;拟合;VBA;
- the rounding error analysis of elimination;the orthogonal decompositions for solving linear least squares problem;and some classical methods for eigen-problems. 刚性问题和微分代数问题来源于科学计算的各个方面(如物理、化学、生物、控制工程、电网分析及力学系统)。
- singularity decomposition linear least square method 奇异分解线性最小二乘法
- NON LINEAR VOLTAGE DEPENDENT DISC HARGE RESISTORS By Power Development Co. Ltd[S]. 中国科学院等离子体物理研究所.;二滩水力发电厂励磁系统咨询报告[R]
- Exe-Using least squares algorithm on Multi-times curve fitting. 最小二乘法多次曲线拟合。
- The present study is useful for non linear analysis,crack analysis,and overloading analysis of arch dams. 根据该模型编制了相应的程序,并对小湾拱坝进行了非线性分析、超载分析及开裂范围和开裂尺寸的研究。
- A non linear photochromic mask layer can be utilized for super resolution optical data storage. 利用光致变色介质的非线性效应特性制成掩膜,可以实现超分辨率光存储。