- Identical twins are formed in the womb. 子宫中形成同卵双生。
- Identical twins look just like each other. 同卵双胞胎彼此间非常相像。
- Except in the case of identical twins. 除了同卵双胞胎以外,每个人的基因密码都是独有的。
- Identical twins look exactly alike. 同卵双生胎看上去完全一样。
- Even identical twins are unique as individuals. 即使同卵双胞胎作为个体也是独特的。
- Comparisons are tough enough on identical twins. 同卵双生之间的比较已经够令人头疼。
- The child she would bear would be an identical twin of its father. 她怀的这个孩子就是和它父亲一模一样的双胞胎。
- When the masks and the faces had been identical twins. 当面孔与面具成为双生子。
- The presence of a given genetic trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins. 不和,不一致在一对同卵双胞胎中,某一特定基因特征只表现两者中的一个身上
- The fingerprints of all individuals, even identical twins, are unique. 每个人,包括同卵双胞胎,其指纹都是独一无二的。
- Derived from a single fertilized ovum or embryonic cell mass. Used especially of identical twins. 单卵的由一个受精卵或胚胎细胞群而派生来的。尤指用于同卵双
- By separating the embryo and making one baby into two, it is possible to make perfectly identical twins. 通过分离胚胎,使一个婴儿变成两个,这就有可能产生完全相同的孪生于。
- Of course,there are ways in which identical twins are bound together that are more profound than the usual sibling links. 当然,维系同卵双生之间的纽带要比维系一般兄弟姐妹之间的纽带更加刻骨铭心。
- Identical twins are living proof that identical DNA doesn't mean identical people. 同卵双生生动地证明,具有完全相同的脱氧核糖核酸的两个人并不完全相同。
- By separating the embryo and making one baby into two,it is possible to make perfectly identical twins. 通过分离胚胎,使一个婴儿变成两个,这就有可能产生完全相同的孪生子。
- Just as the fingerprints of all individuals,even identical twins,are unique,so are their souls. 正如同每个人,其中包括每一个同卵双生人,其指纹是独特的,同样,每一个人的灵魂也是独特的。
- The similarities between identical twins often cause us to overlook their individuality. 同卵双胞胎彼此相似,常令一般人忽略他们的个别差异。
- They then compared the" concordance" of identical twins (in how many pairs both got or escaped cancer) with the concordance in fraternal twins. 然后比较了同卵双生和异卵双生的“一致性几率”(即多少对孪生孩子中两人均得过或均未得过癌症)。
- A recent study took several pairs of identical twins where 1 twin was a lifelong smoker and the other had never smoked. 最近的一项研究选取了多对一模一样的双胞胎,其中一个吸了一辈子烟,另一个则从未吸过烟。
- In the debate over the ethical,emotional and practical implications of human cloning,identical twins--distinct beings who share the same DNA--present the closest analogy. 在由克隆人所引起的种种伦理、感情和实际问题的讨论之中,同卵双生--他们是具有相同的脱氧核糖核酸的两个不同的人--是最相近的类比。