- double - binary Turbo code 双二元Turbo码
- binary turbo codes 二进制Turbo码
- The performance of Turbo coded optical fast frequency hopping CDMA network(FFH OCDMA) using binary PPM modulation(BPPM) was analyzed. 在不考虑噪声和仅考虑散粒噪声两种情况下 ;分析了 Turbo码对二进制脉冲位置调制( BPPM)的快跳频光码分多址 ( FFH OCDMA)系统性能的影响 ;并对该系统进行了数值模拟 .
- Turbo code is a new class of concatenated code with excellent performance, yet relatively simple decoding complexity. Turbo码是一种性能非常优越、译码相对简单的新型级联码。
- Based on the iterative decoding principle of Turbo code, the algorithm improved the channel esti- mation accuracy using output of decoder. 该方法基于Turbo码的迭代译码原理,将信道估计和译码联合考虑,利用译码器输出反馈进行迭代信道估计,从而提高了估计精度。
- It is found that KB interleaver can improve the performance of turbo code with pseudo random interleaver or S-random interleavers. 仿真证实,以伪随机交织器和S随机交织器为基础的KB交织器可以显著提高系统性能。
- non binary low density parity check codes 非二进制低密度校验码
- Beth turbo codes and LDPC codes can achieve the Shannon limited performance. Turbo码和LDPC码都可以实现接近Shannon理论极限的性能。
- The optimization of mapping rule in hybrid ARQ(HARQ) protocol of high speed downlink packet access(HSDPA) system is presented,especially for full incremental redundancy(FIR) and partial incremental redundancy(PIR) with high rate Turbo code. 针对高速下行分组接入(HSDPA)系统中的混合重传(HARQ)协议;提出适用于高码率Turbo码的全增余(FIR)和部分增余(PIR)型的映射准则优化方法.
- The results show that the scheme of turbo code based on BPSK can degrade SNR 3 dB compared with that of BPSK and BPPM, and the scheme of BPSK is efficient to degrade the BER of system when the SNR is high. 结果表明;基于BPSK的turbo码系统比OOK和BPPM系统的信噪比降低约3dB;且在高的信噪比情况下;BPSK系统能显著降低系统的误码率.
- A code matching interleaver design for turbo codes in which a particular interleaver is constructed to match the code weight distribution is proposed. 摘要提出一种与码重相匹配的交织器,它是建立在码距离谱的基础上。
- In this thesis, we consider a non-binary turbo codes system, including non-binary systematic (NBS) turbo code and non-binary non-systematic (NBNS) turbo code. 摘要:由于通讯技术发展迅速,通讯模式从有线传输演变到无线传输。
- In 1993, Claude Berrou, Alain Glavieux and Punya Thitimajshima published the paper which first described Turbo codes. 自从1993年C.
- non binary code 非二进码
- And then some key points of RCPT codes and Turbo codes are presented including convolutional RSCs, interleaver, decoding algorithm, etc. 然后,本文介绍了Turbo码及RCPT码,并对其中成员卷积码、交织器、译码算法等关键的部分进行了详细分析。
- Simulation results show that the turbo coding has more 1.5dB gain than convolution coding or convolution concatenated coding. 对Ka固定卫星通信信道建模仿真表明;采用Turbo码比采用相同码率的卷积码和卷积级联码有超过1.;5dB的增益。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- Puncturing is one of the techniques often used in turbo coding, the characteristics of which were used to design a modified ARQ scheme. 删余收缩是turbo码中常用的技术之一,我们利用turbo码的这一特点,提出了一种新的ARQ方案。
- Since the frame size is variable, the interleaver of Turbo Codes needs to cooperate with the desired frame size to make corresponding changes. 由于封包的大小为可变动的,所以在编解码中的交错器需配合封包的大小做出对应的变动。
- A byte composed of eight binary elements. 一个由8个二进制数位组成的字节。