- What do you think of the environmental pollution? 你对环境污染怎么看?
- Environmental pollution concerns us all. 环境污染关系到我们每个人。
- Environmental pollution is a world wide problem. 环境污染是个全球性的问题。
- Environmental pollution is eroding people's health. 环境污染正在啮噬人类的健康。
- But the improving brings about the environmental pollution, and retards the sustainable development of environment. 但是,这种改善造成了环境污染,阻碍了人居环境的可持续发展。
- You know,I've been asked to give a talk on Environmental pollution. 你知道,我被邀请去作有关环境污染的报告。
- Environmental pollution is still a trouble in the air. 环境污染问题依然悬而未决。
- Jiyuan: Who is Going to Pay the Price for Environmental Pollution? 济源:谁为环境污染损失埋单?
- Environmental pollution transcends administrative boundaries. 环境污染,无分疆界。
- The sewage also creates one of environmental pollution origins. 污水也是造成环境污染的来源之一。
- The environmental pollution here is even worse than where I live. 跟我住的地方比,这里的环境污染程度有过之无不及。
- Environmental pollution is an increasingly serious problem. 环境污染问题日趋严重。
- The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment. 摘要征收环境污染税是为治理环境污染而筹集资金,利用税收杠杆来促进生态环境的良性循环。
- Tetrahymena is unicell eucaryou, sensitive to toxic substance in environment, ideal indicator that forecast environmental pollution early. 四膜虫是一种真核单细胞原生动物,对环境中有毒物质的毒性反应敏感,是环境污染早期预报的理想指示物种。
- The ecological environment is worsening day by day in our country,so using the modern biotechnology can control environmental pollution effectively. 我国生态环境正日趋恶化,利用现代生物技术可以有效控制环境污染。
- The writer kept to the question of environmental pollution in his article. 作者在文章中只谈环境污染问题。
- Environmental pollution is afflicting many cities and towns all over the world. 环境污染正在危害着全世界的许多城镇。
- Environmental pollution has been partly attributed to effluents from factories. 造成环境污染的部分原因是工厂里排放的污水。
- Much attention has been devoted to the problem of environmental pollution. 人们已给环境污染问题以极大的关注。
- Third, we strengthened the prevention and control of environmental pollution. 三是强化环境污染防治。