- nominal scanning line width 标称扫描行宽
- scanning line width 行宽,扫描线宽度
- In order to eliminate the “balling effect” and “uneven width of the scanning line” in single-path experiments, some control measures are presented. 针对单道线扫描过程中“起球”现象和“线宽不一致”现象,提出了相应的解决措施。
- However, the trend of line width is dispersive. 然而,线宽的变化趋势呈分散性。
- Confirm the scan line using rubber band to locate. 确认好扫描线后用橡皮筋设置。
- Draws a rectangle with the selected line width and color. 使用选定的线宽和颜色绘制一个矩形。
- Draws a round rectangle with the selected line width and color. 使用选定的线宽和颜色绘制一个圆角矩形。
- Draws an ellipse with the selected line width and color. 使用选定的线宽和颜色绘制一个椭圆。
- This can also be thought of as the number of pixels in one scan line. 这也可以看作是一个扫描行中的像素数。
- Valid range of values for the annotation line width is 1 to 999, inclusive. 批注线宽值的有效范围为从 1 到 999,包括 1 和 999。
- Assigns an output line width to a file opened using the FileOpen function. 为用FileOpen函数打开的文件分配输出行宽。
- In astronomical situations, the natural line width is seldom directly observed. 在天文学研究中,谱线固有宽度很少能直接观测到。
- Line width of the current list in the list buffer during list creation. 当清单建立时,在清单缓冲区中的行长度。
- Easy quickly find the scan line position, dont need to take barcodes to test the scan line position. 轻松快速找到扫描线位置,不必拿著条码去寻找扫描线的位置。
- The rings on every layer were meshed by the horizontal scanning line algorithm to make some even connective rectangular meshes. 然后,采用水平扫描线算法离散各层二维环区域,生成均匀、连通的矩形网格;
- Balling,which occurs at the end of the scanning line,is caused by the dissymmetric temperature field and the great temperature gradient. 激光扫描线间的耦合作用使端点球化现象随扫描线的增加而逐渐显著。
- Balling, which occurs at the end of the scanning line, is caused by the dissymmetric temperature field and the great temperature gradient. 研究了激光行程对烧结温度场的影响,扫描端点温度场的不对称及较大的温度梯度造成了端点球化现象;
- The Pen object stores attributes, such as line width and color, of the item to be drawn. Pen对象存储要绘制项的属性,如线宽和颜色。
- In order to generate rectangle field grids, Non-uniform B-Spline curve was constructed and interpolated on scanning line data points, then it was sampled uniformly. 为了生成矩形域网格,构造插值于扫描线上数据点的非均匀B样条曲线,再对其均匀采样,以保证曲面插值精度。
- Is less than the output line width, the next print position immediately follows the number of spaces printed. 小于输出行的宽度,则下一个打印位置将紧接在数个已打印的空格之后。