- After getting married they became nominal kinship. 结婚之后,他们就结成了干亲。
- The Customs of Bulan Ethnic Group's Establishing Nominal Kinship and the Construction of Interpersonal Relation Networks 布朗族拜认干亲习俗与人际关系网络的构建
- Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship. 他们虽然只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- I feel a strong kinship with him. 我觉得与他十分投契。
- nominal kinship 干亲
- The chairman is only the nominal ruler of the country. 主席只是那个国家名义上的统治者。
- The old man is only the nominal head of the business. 那老人只是这个企业的挂名的总裁。
- Everything was nominal during the test. 试验中一切进行顺利。
- Who's debating with you about degrees of kinship. 谁和他计较亲疏的?
- Even after meeting only once,they felt a kinship. 他们虽然只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。
- A Roman Catholic church in or near Rome having a cardinal for its nominal head. 天主教教堂罗马或罗马附近的罗马天主教堂,有一个红衣主教作它名义上的领导
- Kinship groups were very important. 血统组织占有很重要的地位。
- We make a nominal charge for our service. 我们为我们的服务收极少的费用。
- Connection by blood or marriage; kinship. 亲属关系因血缘或婚姻产生的联系;亲戚关系。
- All nominal outputs of the shift register are 1. 移位寄存器的全部“原”输出都为1。
- I feel a certain kinship with him. 我感觉同他有些类似。
- A is the nominal output of the auxiliary signal. A是附加信号的额定输出。
- I felt a certain kinship to them. 突然,我对它们产生了一种同病相怜的亲密感。
- I feel kinship with my Sikh brothers and sisters. 我感受到与锡克教的弟兄姊妹情同手足;