- nominal indentation depth 名义压入深度
- According to the experimental results, the adhesion effects to the load-depth curves are significant as the indentation depth is lower than50 nm, and the effect gets larger as depth decreases. 由实验结果发现黏滞效应在压痕深度小于时,对压痕作用力与压痕深度图有极大之影响,而且此现象随著压痕深度下降而急剧上升。
- According to the experimental results, the adhesion effects to the load-depth curves are significant as the indentation depth is lower than 50 nm, and the effect gets larger as depth decreases. 由实验结果发现黏滞效应在压痕深度小于时,对压痕作用力与压痕深度图有极大之影响,而且此现象随著压痕深度下降而急剧上升。
- The emphasis was put on the critical indentation depth with the influence of the yield strength ratio of the soft film to the harder substrate and the size of the indenter. 重点研究了平压头压入过程中;不同屈服强度比(软薄膜屈服强度与硬基体屈服强度之比)以及不同压头尺寸下硬基体对压痕规律的影响.
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- Establishment of ANSYS Material Model Behavior and Analysis of Indentation Depth 基于ANSYS的材料模型属性的建立与压痕量的分析
- The Indentation Depth Measured by Servo Gun On-line and the Effect of Electrode Wear on Weld Quality 伺服焊枪点焊压痕深度在线提取与电极磨损对焊点质量的影响
- Please indent the first line of each paragraph. 请于每段第一行缩格书写。
- I was out of my depth in that class. 在那个班里我跟不上。
- The fallen tree limb left a big indent on his car. 掉下来的树枝在他的车上留下了一个大凹口。
- The mountains indent the horizon. 山峦使地平线成锯齿状。
- The chairman is only the nominal ruler of the country. 主席只是那个国家名义上的统治者。
- The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet. 那个青年人潜到四十尺的深度。
- We should discuss the problems in depth. 我们应该深入地讨论这些问题。
- The depth of the universe is immeasurable. 宇宙无限深广。
- The old man is only the nominal head of the business. 那老人只是这个企业的挂名的总裁。
- Measurement of the depth of large bodies of water. 海洋测深学,海洋测深术测量大水域的深度
- Everything was nominal during the test. 试验中一切进行顺利。
- You must indent the first line of a new paragraph. 新起段落的首行你必须缩格书写。