- The new node is the node of interest. 新节点为相关节点。
- Peculiarity of Landscape Culture in East Asia. 探讨东亚地区及整个东亚园林文化特点及独特性。
- What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 你的家乡周围有什么景点?
- A root arising from the node of a prostrate stem. 匍匐茎节上生出的根。
- Locates the first child node of the context node. 定位上下文节点的第一个子节点。
- All aspects of landscape design. 景观设计的空间诸相。
- Gets the root node of the site map. 获取站点地图的根节点。
- To the first child node of the current node. 移动到当前节点的第一个子节点。
- To the first sibling node of the current node. 移动到当前节点的第一个同级节点。
- To the next sibling node of the current node. 移动到当前节点的下一个同级节点。
- He thumbtacked the picture of landscape to the wall. 他用图钉把那张风景画钉在墙上。
- Hardware failure in one node of a two-node cluster. 双节点群集的一个节点出现硬件故障。
- The root node of the XML document or node tree. XML文档的根节点或节点树。
- Returns the parent node of the current node. 返回当前节点的母节点。
- Side yards are usually among the most common of landscape problems. 方堆场通常是最常见的景观。
- Around the lowland there are several types of landscape. 低地周围有各种类型的风景。
- node of landscape 景观节点
- Node does not appear as the child node of any other node type. 节点不以任何其他节点类型子节点的形式出现。
- Is the root node of the site map provider that owns it. 是拥有它的站点地图提供程序的根节点。
- They are the difficulty and subtlety of landscape's copy. 此山水画临摹的难处所在 ,妙处所在。