- Nocturnal animals such as bats and owls only come out at night. 夜行动物,如蝙蝠和猫头鹰只在夜里才出来。
- Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. 夜间活动的动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。
- Nocturnal animals are active at night. 夜行动物在晚上活动。
- Nocturnal animal such as bats and owl only come out at night. 夜行动物,如蝙蝠和猫头鹰只在夜里才出来。
- A nocturnal animal hunts its food at night. 夜间活动的动物在夜间猎食。
- Bats are nocturnal animal, so do owl. 蝙蝠和猫头鹰都是夜行性动物。
- Nocturnal animals are active at night; nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day. 夜行性动物是在夜间活动的;而夜间植物则有晚上开放、白天关闭的花朵。
- Nocturnal animals, pangolins locate prey, mainly termites, by smell, ripping open nests with their front claws. 在夜间活动,靠嗅觉来确定捕食对象的位置,并用前脚扒开其巢穴,主要以白蚁为食。
- Tasmanian devils are usually nocturnal animals, sleeping in burrows or hollow logs during that day and emerging at night to feed. 袋獾是一种夜行动物,白天睡在树洞或者洞穴中晚上出来觅食。
- Nocturnal animals like bats are particular favourites, and if, as is the case with vampire bats, they like drinking blood, they are high on the Hallowe'en list. 三五成群地聚集在一起走向市中心,"魔鬼"们狭路相逢时还相互问候。有的人还化装成总统或名人发表即兴"演讲"。在市中心广场人们尽情欢乐,构成一幅群魔乱舞的场面,直闹到深夜。
- The owl is a nocturnal animal whose hoots sound sad and shrill, therefore people correlate its cry to the dead. 由于它在夜间活动,鸣声凄厉,因此,人们把它的叫声与死人相联系。
- It lives in shallow waters and swampy waters.They are nocturnal animal hinting its prey at night such as deer, pigs, caiman, fish, and larger prey. 它们属于夜行动物,在夜间捕猎鹿、猪、凯门鳄、鱼和其他体型较大的猎物。
- Four rooms from the Beijing Zoo's nocturnal animal house were recreated in the Long March Space, Beijing, China. Visitors were required to pass through each of the poorly lit rooms. 在长征空间的展厅中复制四个北京动物园夜行动物馆的动物房舍,迫使观众进入并穿过这些昏暗的房间。
- Animals are often personified in fairy tales. 动物常在童话中被拟人化。
- Nocturnal animals such as bats and owls only come out at night 夜行动物,如蝙蝠和猫头鹰只在夜里才出来
- Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet. 给动物注射是兽医的日常工作。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- Most animals are soft and fluffy when first born. 大多数动物刚出生时都很软,身上有绒毛。
- The animals were fastened by tether. 那群牲畜被绳子拴着。
- The two animals were locked in a fight. 这两头野兽打得难分难解。