- My years are numbered, and soon I will take the road of no return. 因为我的年数将尽,快要走上那条一去不返的路途。
- He expected no return when he decided to give us full support. 他决定全力支持我们时并无图报之意。
- This function has no return value. 这个函数没有返回值。
- There is no return to his letter. 他的信没有答复。
- Oh, there's no return address on the envelope. 信封上没有写信人地址。
- Finally, there is no return keyword specified. 最后,没有指定的返回关键字。
- We're at the point of no return in this business. 我们在这笔交易上处于只能进不能退的局面。
- We've passed the point of no return. 我们已越过了不归点。
- Method if no return URL is included in the request. 如果请求中没有包含返回URL,则。
- Still I press on, knowing there is no return. 这条道路一去就不再还原;
- Even if all are heald,be gonna no return. 其实我也想和大家一起灌水。
- He expect no return when he decide to give us full support. 他决定全力支持我们时并无图报之意。
- A monk reaches the point of no return on the day he makes his vows. 一旦哪天削发为僧,和尚就不能再还俗了。
- He did not wish to drive the crisis beyond the point of no return. 他并不希望把危机推到无可挽回的地步。
- The Qi generals were quite worried, and Qi Huangong dispatched several contingents of troops to split up and search out the return road. 齐国军队胜利了,但是,这场战争打得很艰苦,战争是从春天开始的,直到冬天才结束。
- Financially, that country has passed the point of no return. 从金融角度看,该国已经越过了极限点,有去无回了。
- No return will be taken whether funding succeed or not. 申请前一次性支付前期立项费用,成功与否概不退还。
- Only a few years will pass before I go on the journey of no return. 因为再过几年,我必走那往而不返之路。
- Belshazzar had reached the P.N.R.- the point of no return. 神己经到了祂忍耐的极限,不能让他再继续胡作非为。
- Aurora is thus set to kill them in retaliation of no return? 是否因此而令奥罗拉踏上杀人报复的不归路呢?