- no temperature compensation 无温度补偿
- Sensor with temperature compensation increases the detecting precision. 传感器温度补偿,提高检测精度;
- P: He has a bad dry cough. At the end of the coughing spell, he has some sputum.. He has no temperature. 是干咳,但是咳得非常厉害。咳到最后咳出一些痰。他不发烧。
- He has a bad dry cough. At the end of the coughing spell, he has some sputum. He has no temperature. 是干咳,但是咳得非常厉害。咳到最后咳出一些痰。他不发烧。
- Application of Wavelets Neural Network to Temperature Compensation of Diffused-Silicon Pressure Transducer P. 小波神经网络在扩散硅压力变送器温度补偿中的应用。
- Temperature compensation of IC LCD transistor, crystal oscillator of mobile communications equipments. 半导体集成电路、液晶显示、晶体管及移动通讯设备用石英振荡器的温度补偿。
- No stainless steel, no temperature controls, no new oak, and no oenologists are to be found in the Rayas cellar. 不使用不锈钢桶发酵、不进行温度控制、不使用全新橡木桶、也从不聘雇科班出身的酿酒师。
- M. E. Frerking, Crystal Oscillator Design and Temperature Compensation, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 53, 1987. 白凤霆,“场效电晶体次临界特性分析与微功率放大器设计,“中原大学硕
- The RLG's precision can be improved by dither frequency compensation instead of temperature compensation. 同时用抖动频率对陀螺的零偏进行补偿,提高了陀螺的精度。
- The Temperature Compensation Design of An Optical Fiber Liquid Level Sensor with Fabry-Perot Cavity[J]. 引用该论文 黄伟荣;高应俊;刘志麟;张范军;阮驰.
- Research on temperature compensation for bias of mechanically dithered RLG based on RBF neural network[J]. 引用该论文 张鹏飞;龙兴武;汤建勋;王宇;李革;许光明.
- A Novel Fiberg Grating Sensing and Demodulating System with Temperature Compensation[J]. 引用该论文 张东生;开桂云;曹晔;姜莉;罗建花;董孝义.
- A high accuracy method of nonlinearity &temperature compensation for intramodulated photodetector has been introduced. 介绍了一种展宽内调制光电探测器线性范围及改善其温度特性的高精度方法。
- We go further into the feasibility of the improving of DPU ambient temperature compensation method,and therefore we put forward a reform plan. 我们在探讨改进DPU温度补偿方式的可行性基础上。
- He has no temperature. 他不发烧。
- The intelligent ultrasonic control system,data processing algorithm and temperature compensation based on AVR series MCU are presented. 介绍了基于AVR系列单片机的智能化超声波液位测量系统,以及数据处理算法和温度补偿。
- But no temperature made the melancholy mad elephants more mad or more sane.Their wearisome heads went up an down at the same rate, in hot weather and cold, wet weather and dry, fair weather and foul. 可是,不论何种温度都不会使得那些忧郁得发狂的大象变得更为疯狂,或者更为清醒,它们那令人生厌的脑袋不论天气是热是冷,是潮湿或是干燥,是好天气还是坏天气,总是以同样的频率上下摆动着。
- PMS/PMH model, the sensing element, has excellent temperature properties by adopting a self temperature compensation foil strain gauge. PMH传感元件,具有良好的温度特性,采用温度自补偿箔式应变计。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- A study on overcharging protection and temperature compensation characteristics of VRLA battery was carried out in renewable energy system. 对可再生能源发电系统中阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)的过充电保护与温度补偿特性进行了模拟实验研究。