- no rest soever 毫无休息
- The worms of care give her no rest. 忧心忡忡使得她不得安宁。
- We came a week ago, since when we've had no rest. 我们一周前就来了,自那以后就没休息过。
- Our necks are under persecution: we labour, and have no rest. 追赶我们的,到了我们的颈项上。我们疲乏不得歇息。
- At night gnawing pain pierces my bones. My veins have no rest. 夜间痛苦刺透我骨,我的脉络都不得安息。
- Jack is really serious about working, he is never late and works with no rest. 杰克工作很认真,从不迟到,而且不知疲倦。
- To this day, the land of the Nile is the one land where they can find no rest. 至今,尼罗河流域还是让他们不能平静。
- For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave. 精益求精,至死方息。
- At night it pierces my bones within me, And my gnawing pains take no rest. 伯30:17夜间我里面的骨头刺我、疼痛不止、好像龈我。
- The Lakers play tonight at Philadelphia, so there is no rest for him. 今晚,湖人将客场挑战费城,科比没有休息的时间。
- "At night it pierces my bones within me, And my gnawing pains take no rest. 夜间我里面的骨头刺我、疼痛不止、好像龈我。
- Our pursuers are at our necks; We are worn out, there is no rest for us. 追赶我们的、到了我们的颈项上.我们疲乏不得歇息。
- Our attackers are on our necks: overcome with weariness, we have no rest. 追赶我们的,到了我们的颈项上;我们疲乏不得歇息。
- No resting area is reserved inside the gallery. 展厅内不设休憩区;
- I had no rest for my spirit, not finding Titus my brother; but taking my leave of them, I went on to Macedonia. 林后2:13那时因为没有遇见兄弟提多、我心里不安、便辞别那里的人往马其顿去了。
- Good or bad, without them his heart had no resting plaice. 不管东西好坏,不管人好坏,没了它们,心便没有地方安放。
- Seven per cent has no rest, nor no religion; it works nights, and Sundays, and even wet days. 百分之七,是既无休息、亦无宗教的; 它夜里也工作、星期天也工作、连雨天也工作。
- Wearily the Confederates lay on their arms and prayed for respite and rest. But there was no rest. 这时南部联盟军已疲惫万分,便枕戈而卧,希望得到一个喘息机会稍事休息。
- Ambition and aggressiveness and love of fame or power are also due to certain other worms giving the person no rest until he has achieved the object of his ambition. 野心,进取心,和好名好权的欲望也是由于另外一些虫在作祟,弄得一个人心中骚动,到达目的的时候才肯罢休。
- I had no rest in my spirit, for I did not find Titus my brother; but taking leave of them, I went forth into Macedonia. 那时没有找到我的弟兄提多,我灵里不安,便辞别那里的人,往马其顿去了。