- nlaximum dry density 最大干密度
- The relationship between coefficient of thermal transmission and dry density of foamed EPS thermal insu... 研究了泡沫-EPS保温砂浆的导热系数与干密度的关系。
- Research the relationship between dry density,inner friction angle and cohesion of low liquid limit silt subbase. 研究低液限粉性土路基的干密度与内摩擦角、粘聚力的关系;
- The optimum moisture content was 5.7 percent, and the maximum dry density was 130.6 pcf. 最佳水分含量为5.;7 %25 ,最大干密度为130
- The paper briefly discusses the method of building dikes in marshland and especially the control measures of the dry density of soil. 阐述了在沼泽地修筑堤防的施工方法;重点介绍了土料的干密度控制措施。
- The dry density of the dynamic compaction loess is lower than that of the indoor compaction loess,but the compression modulus and int... 强夯压实黄土的干密度普遍较击实黄土低,但其压缩模量和强度较室内击实黄土明显地大。
- Comparing with the dry density, influence of the saturation degree on gas permeability of shallow gassy sand is more significant. 饱和度的变化相对于干密度对储气砂土的渗气性影响更为显著。
- But when the clay grain content more, the results just are the opposite and it must be under much more effect of compacting energy and then can get heavier dry density. 而当粘粒含量较高时,则相反,且必须在较大压实能量的间歇作用下,方可取得较大的干密度。
- The more is principal stress deviator peak, the more possible is to emerge negative pore water pressure and to show more shear dilatation with high dry density. 干密度越大,主应力差峰值越大,表现出较大的剪胀性,孔隙水压力易出现负孔隙水压力;
- The tailing is different from common soil in the relation of the physical and mechanical properties (such as dry density and strength) with the stockpiling depth. 尾矿的物理力学性质如干密度、强度等与其堆存深度关系的密切程度与一般的土有较大的区别。
- When soils have the same dry density and the same salt, permeability of fine grained saline soils decreases more remarkably than that of the coarse grained saline soils. 在含盐量相同的情况下,同一种土的渗透系数随着干容重的增大而减小。
- Construction prior to do a good job of lime-soil test, mastering the maximum dry density and optimum water content in order to control dose and detection of ash density. 进行施工事先做好灰土的击实试验,掌握好最大干密度和最佳含水量以便控制灰剂量和检测密实度。
- The dry density,the compress modulus,the strength of surface layer and the technological benefits are studied on contrast test between Impacting Compaction and Dynamic Compaction. 在两种施工方法工后检测中,分别对干密度、压缩模量、面层强度等指标进行了对比研究,并对两种方法的工效进行了比较。
- Experiments show that for the same dry density, permeability decreases with the saline content; for the same soil, with increase in saline content, permeability of soils with sodium sulphate decreases more significantly than that with sodium chloride. 结果表明:在干容重相同的情况下,渗透系数随着含盐量的增加而减小;对同一类型土,随着含盐量的增加,硫酸盐土的渗透系数要比氯盐土渗透系数减小显著;在干容重和盐类相同的情况下,细颗粒含盐土的渗透系数要比粗颗粒含盐土的渗透系数减小显著。
- Water stability and strength increasing mechanism are researched and the changing trend and degree of maximum dry density, the optimum moisture and the intensity of the admixture are gained through mixing into clay. 通过在风化料中掺入粘土的对比试验,研究风化料加入掺加剂后的水稳定性和强度增长机理,得出掺入粘土后风化料最佳含水量、最大干密度、强度的变化趋势和程度。
- The absolute dry density of bamboo is about 0.819g/cm~3 for average, which increases from the base to the tip, but on the contrary, for the porosity. They both are related by the regression equation: Y = 99.95-66.726X. 竹材的绝干密度约为0.;819g/cm~3;表现为从基部到梢部递增;孔隙度变化正相反;从基部到梢部递减;二者服从一元线性回归Y=99
- The study provides basic detection theory and practicel engineering experiences for popalarizing surface wave velocity method to detect dry density of compacted rock-fill layer in practice. 本项试验为推广应用稳态面波法检测干密度值提供了理论依据和工程实践经验。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。