- nitrogen supply unit 供氮设备
- No air filter is considered for air supply unit. 新风处理机组没有考虑空气过滤处理。
- Nitrogen supply largely controls the growth and fruiting of most plants. 氮的供应密切地关系到绝大多数植物的生长与结果。
- The noise level of air supply unit should be marked on the drawing. 机组要有噪声要求。
- Effects of Light Condition and Nitrogen Supply on Carbon -Nitrogen Metabolism of Poa pratensis L. 光氮互作对草地早熟禾碳氮代谢的影响。
- Shen L X, Wei Y P, Wang P, Yi Z X, Zhang H F, Lan L W.Effect of nitrogen supply of early kernel development and yield in summer maize (Zea mays L.). 申丽霞;魏亚萍;王璞;易镇邪;张红芳;兰林旺.;施氮对夏玉米顶部籽粒早期发育及产量的影响
- The stabilized power supply unit for the detectors is mounted at the rear of the chassis. 检测器的稳压电源安装在框架后面。
- A study was conducted to examine the influence of night-time warming on leaf photosynthetic capacity of Cinnamomum burmanni under different levels of nitrogen supply. 研究了不同氮供应的条件下夜间变暖对荫香叶片光合能力的影响。
- Article13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
- The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
- The noise produced by air supply unit will influence the normal usage of the lab. 机组产生的噪声会影响实验室正常使用。
- Ir supply unit installed in the ceiling whose condensed water will drop into the ceiling. 每层的新风机组安装在实验室吊顶内,会产生凝水漏到吊顶内。
- Article 13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
- The results also indicated that the color of the fourth LFT was mainly affected by NSDB among the top 4 leaves and was lighter than the third LFT when nitrogen supply was insufficient for the need. 研究证实顶 4叶叶色受氮素供需差的影响最大 ,当土壤供氮不能满足库需氮时 ,顶 4叶叶色浅于顶 3叶
- The true advantage ofthis concept is faster time to market, lower NRE cost and reduced power supply unit cost. 其优点在于加快面市时间,降低固定设备成本和降低电源单元的成本。
- The effects of basic nitrogen supply capacity(BNC)of different texture soils(sandy soil,loam soil and clay soil)on potential rice yield(PRY)in Jiangsu Province were studied at 196 experiment plots in 11 counties with 19 different rice varieties. 以近年来江苏省广泛种植的19个不同基因型水稻品种为材料,在11个县市区196个田块进行试验,研究江苏省不同类型土壤基础供氮能力对水稻产量的影响。
- A PSU (Power Supply Unit) fan is always running when the computer it powers is on. 只要开机,电源风扇就会一直在转。
- The total soil nitrogen supply in the habitats, its distribution and the interactions between the two factors all significantly influenced dry matter productions of Z. japonica clones. 结果表明,生境中土壤氮素资源的总体水平、分布格局以及二者间的相互作用均显著影响结缕草克隆的干物质生产量。
- The sliding power supply device DHG is a safe power supply unit for moving application. DHG安全滑接输电装置是一种安全可靠的移动供电装置。
- There is no noise elimination measure and noise standards to AHU, air supply unit, exhaust fans. 空调机组、新风机组、排风机均无消声措施及噪声指标。