- With the development of molecular biology, many developmentally regulated genes and/or their expression in nematodes of socio-economic importance have been studied. 从分子水平研究寄生线虫的生长、发育、繁殖等调控机制,可望找到防制寄生线虫病的新途径。
- Our laboratory successfully cloned the gene cor (cold regulated gene ) from Descurania sophia(L.) . 克隆播娘蒿的抗寒基因COR(cold regulated gene),为改造植物耐寒性提供新的材料。
- Using mouse embryos, Noonan and his collaborators examined how HACNS1 and its related sequences in chimpanzee and rhesus monkey regulated gene expression during development. 利用小鼠胚胎,努南和他的合作者研究如何hacns1及其相关序列的黑猩猩和恒河猴的基因表达的规管期间的发展。
- Histones are proteins involved in regulating genes being turned on and off. 组蛋白是涉及到调控基因的蛋白质。
- PS-ODN may serve as a novel method for regulate gene expression in S. mutans. 反义寡核苷酸有可能成为新的调节变形链球菌基因表达的手段。
- Our data show that 5 aza CdR may inhibit tumor growth by reactivating growth regulatory genes silenced by de novo methylation. 5 aza CdR有肯定的抑瘤作用 ,其抑瘤作用的可能机理主要是通过p16基因去甲基化解除转录抑制完成的。
- The regulatory gene set into motion the quintessential cybernetic dialogue: What controls genes? 调控基因引发了精辟的控制论对话:是什么控制了基因?
- Homeobox genes,as differentiating and regulating genes, may have effect on angiogenesis,such as HOXD3,HOXB3,HOXD10,PRX,HEX,etc. 同源异位基因作为组织分化调节基因,其与血管生成的关系已从多方面进行了研究,如HOXD3、HOXB3、HOXD10、PRX、HEX等。
- Air consists chiefly of nitrogen. 空气主要由氮气组成。
- Conclusion: Biological active substance from Hp regulates gene expression through SRE cis-element. 结论:幽门螺杆菌生物活性物质通过顺式转录调控元件SRE调控细胞基因表达。
- Operon is a unit of bacterial gene expression and regulation, including structural genes and cis-acting control elements in DNA recognized by regulator gene product(s). 控制某一代谢途径的相关基因,紧密连锁地排列在一起,受同一操纵子控制。
- human N - myc downstream regulated gene 2 ( NDRG2 ) 人N-myc下游调节基因2(NDRG2)
- Nitrogen forms most of the Earth's air. 地球上空气的大部分成分是氮气。
- N-mye downstream regulated gene 1 NDRG1
- The lamp is full of gaseous nitrogen. 灯里充满了气体氮。
- N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 NDRG1
- Nitrogen forms about 78% of the earth's atmosphere. 氮约占地球大气的百分之七十八。
- Abstract: The nucleosome, the structural unit of chromatin, is known to play a central role in regulating gene transcription from promoters. 摘要:核小体作为染色质的结构单位,在基因启动子区域调节基因转录中具有重要的作用。
- Homeobox gene is a sort of regulatory gene which controls embryonic development and cellular differentiation. 摘要同源框基因是一类控制胚胎发育和细胞分化的调节基因。
- Plant promoters are important cis-regulatory elements for regulating gene expression. 摘要启动子是调控基因表达的重要顺式元件。