- Results show that, nitrogen removal rate in the sedimentation tank (ST) unit is not apparent, where the mineralization of organic nitrogen to NH4(superscript +) may happen. 研究表明,沉淀池除氮效果最不明显,在该区内有机氮可能发生矿化作用而转变为氨氮。
- Keywords sequencing biofilm batch reactor;nitrogen removing rate;nitration speed;nitrosation accumulation; 序批式生物膜法;氨氮去除率;硝化速率;短程硝化;
- nitrogen removing rate 氨氮去除率
- Effects of hydraulic retention thime, water temperature and ammonia nitrogen concentration on the ammonia nitrogen removal rate of submerged biofilter 水力停留时间、水温与氨氮浓度对浸没式生物滤池氨氮去除速率的效应
- Comparison of Ammonia Nitrogen Removal Rate between Fluidized Bed Reactor with Embedded Nitrobacteria and Fixed Bed Reactor with Bio-contract Oxidation Process 包埋硝化菌流化床与接触氧化固定床除氨氮效果对比
- ammonia nitrogen removal rate 氨氮去除率
- Let' s take the metal removal rate for example. 让我们以金属切削速率为例。
- The removal rate of NH3-N was up to 73.3%. 在脱氮模式中氨氮的去除率达到了73.;3%25;
- The removal rate of sulfide is high. 硫化物的去除率很高。
- From the test results,the removing rate of organic matter at the membrance 1# and 2#,whose mwco is 1 000,is high. 由试验结果可以看出,切割相对分子质量为1000的1%23和2%23膜有机物去除率较好,1%23膜过滤原始卤水时无机离子损失量很小。
- Compared with traditional activated sludge units,HBRs showed enhancement effects on organic loading rate,nitrogen removal and sludge dewaterability. 粉末活性炭与沸石是两种应用较为广泛的载体材料。
- If the acidified alta-mud be post-propped up again inorganically,its COD removing rate could be raised to 81% or more and its decoloring rate could be raised to 98% or more. 若再对其进行无机柱撑,COD的去除率可达81%25以上,色度去除率可达98%25以上。
- In order to guarantee the removal rate of the aeration pond and prevent sludeg bulking from filamentous fungi reproduction,adding nitrogen to the ... 为了保证曝气池的去除效率,防止丝状状菌污泥膨胀,在废水中补氮可作为本工艺流程的常规操作。
- The removing rate of NO x has clos relations with electrical parameters and gaseous parameters. The removing rate of NO x can be over 95% under certain conditions. . NOx的脱除率与电气参数和气体参数有关,在一定条件下,NOx的脱除率可达95%25以上。
- The total nitrogen(TN) is removed by 44.7% after stage A,but the ammonia nitrogen content rises up after stage B,so the TN removal rate drops to about 35.7%. A段对TN的去除率平均为44.;7%25;经过B段后NH+4-N含量升高;使AB工艺对TN的总去除率降至35
- BOD5/CODCr improved to more than 0.2.And the anticipated CODCr removing rate was more than 60%; BOD removing rate was more than 85%; NH3-N removing rate was more than 80%. 使废水CODCr去除率为50%25;脱色率为70%25;BOD5/CODCr提高到0.;2以上;预期CODCr去除率达60%25以上;BOD5去除率达85%25以上;NH3-N去除率达80%25以上。
- Nitrate nitrogen removal from ground water by autotrophic denitrification in a packed bed reactor. 固定床自养反硝化去除地下水中的硝酸盐氮。
- In the treatment of dyestuff waste water with acid-activated calcium base alta-mud,its COD removing rate could reach to 62% and its decoloring rate could reach to 83%. 将钙基膨润土酸性活化,用其处理染料废水,其一次性COD去除率可达62%25,色度去除率可达83%25。
- Nitrification is an important step to affect nitrogen removal in biological treatment processes. 生物脱氮系统中,硝化作用好坏是影响脱氮工艺效率的重要步骤。
- Firstly, the effects of the working pressure, the rotating speed of the wafer, and the diamond millstone on the removing rate of silicon wafer are investigated. 在本研究中,首先探讨加工压力、晶圆转速以及磨盘转速等加工参数对矽晶圆移除速率的影响。