- Process Evaluation and Control Strategy of Alternating Aerobic- Anoxic SBR System for Nitrogen Removal via Nitrite SBR交替好氧缺氧短程脱氮工艺及其过程控制
- nitrogen removal via nitrite 短程脱氮
- nitrogen removal via biotechnology 生物脱氮
- Nitrogen and phosphorus were removed simultaneously from synthetic wastewater by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification via nitrite by controlling sludge age in sequencing batch reactor (SBR). 采用序批式活性污泥法,对人工配制的城市污水,通过控制泥龄成功实现亚硝酸盐型同步硝化反硝化,同时取得很好的生物除磷效果。
- Biological nitrogen removal technology via short-cut nitrification and denitrification is very significant for saving energy and carbon sources. 短程硝化反硝化技术对于节省能源和碳源具有重要意义。
- Surgical resection with postoperative cholangioscopy stone removal via the T tube fistula is the major treatment. 外科手术切除加上手术后胆道镜截石术,是治疗的首要方法。
- At the same time, the control of the reaction course by online detecting the DO and pH, ensured nitrification-denitrification via nitrite and avoided the problem of deficient nitrification owing to the shorter aeration time. 同时根据DO、pH在线监测、控制反应过程,避免了曝气时间过短、硝化不充分的问题,还保证了亚硝酸型硝化。
- Nitrate nitrogen removal from ground water by autotrophic denitrification in a packed bed reactor. 固定床自养反硝化去除地下水中的硝酸盐氮。
- Nitrification is an important step to affect nitrogen removal in biological treatment processes. 生物脱氮系统中,硝化作用好坏是影响脱氮工艺效率的重要步骤。
- The influence of C/N ratio on the nitrogen removal was investigated in the suspended carrier biological reactor. 文章研究了C/N对悬浮填料生物反应器脱氮效果的影响。
- The tooth was removed via exploration of the submandibu-lar space uneventfully. 因极少见国内外杂志讨论此类病例,特提出报告。
- LY,with heterotrophic nitrogen removal ability,can biodegrade many kinds of toxic organic pollutants. LY降解去除有毒有机污染物的性能。
- The proportion of aeration time and interruption time and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) has great effected the efficiency of nitrogen removal. 曝气/停曝时间比例和水力停留时间(HRT)等因子对浸没式微滤膜一氧化沟组合新工艺脱氮效果有较大的影响。
- The inclination was rectified by soil removal via water jetting in drilled caissons and base reinforcement with static bolt-pressing piles, according to the specific circumstances. 针对该房屋具体情况,采用锚杆静压桩加固地基、沉井冲水掏土法进行纠倾,在施工期间及竣工后一年半内进行倾斜和沉降监测。
- Compared with traditional activated sludge units,HBRs showed enhancement effects on organic loading rate,nitrogen removal and sludge dewaterability. 粉末活性炭与沸石是两种应用较为广泛的载体材料。
- There are significant correlation between nitrogen removal efficiency and the biomass of nitrifying bacteria in water and the plants. 氮去除效率与水体硝化细菌数和植物量有显著的相关性。
- In order to ease up overnutrition of water bodies, open up an economical and effectual technology of nitrogen removal is important to us. 为了缓解日益严重的水体富营养化问题,开发一种经济有效的污水脱氮处理技术已成为水污染控制工程领域的重点与热点。
- Posterior capsular was ripped, and silicone oil was removed via pupil and sclerocorneal tunnel during the surgery. 后囊撕开,使硅油经瞳孔和巩膜隧道排出。
- Colorectal polyps are usually removed via colonoscope or local excision for a low rectal lesion. 摘要结肠直肠息肉通常是经由大肠镜切除,或经由直肠做局部切除。
- The anaerobic-anoxic-oxic(A2/O) process was utilized to study the primary factors and principles affecting phosphorus and nitrogen removal. 采用厌氧-缺氧-好氧工艺(简称A2/O工艺),研究除磷脱氮的主要影响因素及其规律。