- nitrogen in amino acid 氨基酸态氮
- Asparagine can later be broken down and the nitrogen used in amino acid synthesis. 天冬酰胺此后分解,氮在氨基酸的合成中被使用。
- No tyrosine was found in amino acids of AFL. 在AFL的氨基酸组成中不含Tyr。
- Its protein content of up to 60%, and is rich in amino acids. 其蛋白质含量可达60%25,并含有丰富的氨基酸。
- The changes of POD(Peroxidase) activity at different scalding temperature and time,and the effects of scalding and freezing preservation on POD activity,amino acid,mineral elements,vitamins and amino acid nitrogen in Boletus aereus were studied. 研究了在不同的烫漂温度及时间下黑牛肝菌过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)活性的变化,烫漂及冻藏对黑牛肝菌过氧化物酶活性、氨基酸、矿质元素、维生素及氨基酸态氮等成分的影响。
- Intervarietal differences in relative amino acid contents of Chinese tallow leaves were not very evident, but differences of ammonia and non-protein nitrogen in levels were notable. 乌桕叶品种之间的相对氨基酸含量差异不是非常明显;而在氨态和非蛋白质态氮水平上却是显著的.
- They assume that the source of all nitrogen in food is protein constructed from nitrogen-based amino acids. 这类的测试方法假设食品中所有氮的来源,都是由胺基酸组成的蛋白质。
- An aldehyde,C8H9NO3,one of several active forms of pyridoxine,important in amino acid synthesis. 吡哆醛醛C8H9NO3,吡哆醇的几种活跃的形式中的一种,在氨基酸的合成过程中起重要作用
- A pyridine derivative, C18H11NO3, occurring especially in cereals, yeast, liver, and fish and serving as a coenzyme in amino acid synthesis. 吡哆醇吡啶的衍生物,c18h11no3,尤其出现于谷类,酵母,肝脏和鳞中,作为氨基酸合成作用中的辅酶
- An aldehyde, C8H9NO3, one of several active forms of pyridoxine, important in amino acid synthesis. 吡哆醛醛C8H9NO3,吡哆醇的几种活跃的形式中的一种,在氨基酸的合成过程中起重要作用
- The DLA EIAV gag shared the homology of 80% in nucleotide and 84.47% in amino acid with the EIAV Wyoming 1369 strain. 与美国EIAVWyoming 136 9株比较 ,核苷酸同源性为 80%25 ,氨基酸同源性为 84 47%25。
- It mainly deals in amino acid derivatives, indole, pyrrolidine, piperidine and piperazine series. 主营:氨基酸衍生物系列,吲哚系列,吡咯烷系列、哌啶系列,哌嗪系列。
- However, these positions did not display much difference in amino acid polymorphism. 但是,这些位点的氨基酸多态性并没有表现出太大的差异。
- The gene shared 98.50% and (93.18%) homology in (bases), and shared 98.09% and 95.77% respectively in amino acid with GPV strains B and YG. 经与B株、YG株进行同源性比较 ;核苷酸的同源性分别为 98.;5 0%25和 93
- As a typical halophyte living in salina and seashore, Suaeda salsa possesses high value in use, as it is rich in amino acid, vitamin and mineral. 摘要盐地碱蓬是一种生长于盐碱地和海滨沙滩的盐生植物,富含氨基酸、维生素、矿物质等,极具开发价值。
- What is the percentage of nitrogen in air? 空气中所含的氮的比例是多少?
- It concludes there are no significant difference in amino acid and elements among these two kinds of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.et Zucc. 可见滇紫草及露蕊滇紫草间氨基酸和元素含量没有重大的差异。
- Objective: To get insight into the changes in amino acid metabolism in ventromedial hypothalamus(VMH)-lesioned obese rats. 目的探讨下丘脑腹内侧核损伤性肥胖大鼠氨基酸代谢的变化。
- The plants keep the nitrogen in their roots,legum . 植物将氮气保存在他们的根部。
- The homolog of the PPO gene among different chestnut plants was 98%-99% in nucleotide acid and 86%-99% in amino acid respectively. 板栗不同材料间PPO基因核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列同源性分别为98%25-99%25和97%25-99%25;