- Is a nitrogen atmosphere needed for hand soldering? 手工焊接需要使用氮气吗?
- Nitrogen Atmosphere in Bearing Steel Ball H, T. 氮基保护气氛中轴承钢球的热处理
- Should a nitrogen atmosphere be used in the reflow process? 回流工艺中是否应使用氮气?
- AlN crystals were grown by modified sandwich sublimation method in nitrogen atmosphere. 采用改进的升华法在氮气环境下制备氮化铝单晶体。
- Temperature control means using thyristor surge phase shifter using nitrogen atmosphere furnace used to seal welding, excellent sealing properties. 控温方式采用可控硅移相调压,采用氮气保护气氛,炉体采用全密封焊接,密封性能优良。
- Theautomatic nitrogen atmosphere pushed platestructurefromthe kilnlining, hydraulic transmission, pipeline system, temperature control system. 该全自动氮气保护气氛推板窑的结构由炉体,液压传动系统,管路系统,温控系统组成。
- Using benzene as solvent,the reactions of several aromatic hydrocarbons with N-bromosuccin-imide at visible light and nitrogen atmosphere were examined. 在可见光照射,苯为溶剂,氮气气氛中考察了数种多环芳烃与N-溴代丁二酰亚胺的反应。
- Using benzene as solvent ,the reactions of several aromatic hydrocarbons with N-bromosuccinimide at visible light and nitrogen atmosphere were examined. 在可见光照射,苯为溶剂,氮气气氛中考察了数种多环芳烃与N-溴代丁二酰亚胺的反应。
- The preparation of aluminium nitride powder by means of direct nitridation under pressurized nitrogen atmosphere and carbothermal nitridation of alumina is studied. 对在加压氮气中金属铝粉的直接氮化和氧化铝粉的碳热还原氮化法制备氮化铝粉末进行了研究。
- Hydrogen bonding configurations, Si/N and Si dangling bond densities in PECVD Si3N4 films have been measured as the function of the processing conditions and annealing temperatures in nitrogen atmosphere with IR, RBS and ESR. 用红外光谱、背散射能谱和电子自旋共振波谱研究了不同淀积条件下生长的PECVD氮化硅膜中的氢键,Si/N比和硅悬挂键。
- The nitrogen atmosphere below magnetic stirring is to do poly reaction.After the reaction is over, methylbenzene is added, after filtrating, filter residue is washed by methyl alcohol repeatedly. 反应结束后,加入甲苯溶解后过滤,滤渣部分反复用甲醇洗涤,真空干燥得到壳聚糖-接枝-聚己内酯。
- L-dopa has been successfully intercalated into the host, Mg/Al-LDH, via twice successive ion-exchange processes from the nitrate form of hydrotalcite under nitrogen atmosphere and avoiding sunlight. 以手性药物左旋多巴为客体,水滑石为主体,实现了左旋多巴的插层组装。
- The anti-inflammatory drug fenbufen,diflunisal and ibuprofen have been intercalated into layered double hydroxides for the first time by co-precipitation under a nitrogen atmosphere. 本论文首次采用共沉淀法制备得到抗炎药物---芬布芬、二氟尼柳和布洛芬插层水滑石。
- Nitrogen forms about 78% of the earth's atmosphere. 氮约占地球大气的百分之七十八。
- The Reflow Techniques with Nitrogen Atmosphere 采用氮气氛保护的再流焊接技术
- The solder paste manufacture will normally do extensive testing such as spread and wetting of its particular solder paste in both air and nitrogen atmospheres. 焊锡膏制造商一般会进行范围广泛的测试,如在空气和氮气中对焊锡膏的扩散和熔湿性进行测试。
- The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere. 会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。
- That film creates an atmosphere of menace. 那部影片营造出吓人的气氛。
- Air consists chiefly of nitrogen. 空气主要由氮气组成。
- Danger lurked in the atmosphere. 氛围中隐藏着危险。