- Ninety nine percent of inspiration is perspiration! 百分之九十九的灵感乃是汗水。
- Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety nine per cent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的天赋加上百分之九十九的勤奋。
- Maggie: Yeah honey. And they didn't take out much with-holding. I took out ninety nine deductions. 麦琪:对,亲爱的,它没有扣多少预付税,我拿到百分之九十九。
- United State Dollars Fifteen Millon, Five Hundred Three Thousand, Two hundred Forty Nine and Cents Ninety Nine only. 以前看过很多的钱数,在表达时都乱乱的写在一起,看着十分不爽,请看下面这个还算清爽的:
- They have planted good roots in front of ninety nine thousand million koti Buddhas. 即过于彼九十九百千万俱胝如来之前,久植善根;
- One old Coke loyalist said, "The company had spoiled the taste of its ninety nine year old soft drink and betrayed a national trust" (Moore 8). 一位老焦炉忠诚说, “该公司已宠坏的味道,其九九年岁的软性饮料和背叛国家的信任” (摩尔8 ) 。
- But if I do, ninety nine percent of these audience will going to very feel upset and disillusion with Buddhism so I always pretend I am not. 不过一旦我做了,这些听众中的百分之九十九将会感到非常地难过,而从佛教中“醒悟”过来,所以,我总要假装我不能做。
- We'd walk the hall ways greeting everyone on our way to the hospitality room,where residents would come to pet Beau and bask in the adoration of this beautiful,happy,ten year old,ninety nine pound Doberman pinscher. 我们穿经过道来到接待室,一路上和每个人打招呼。在接待室,休养的人来抚摸博,沉浸在对这只漂亮幸福、10岁大、99磅重的德国种短毛猎犬的爱慕中。
- Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Roses 九百九十九朵玫瑰
- eight thousand eight hundred and ninety nine (=8899) 八千八百九十九
- eight thousand five hundred and ninety nine (=8599) 八千五百九十九
- eight thousand four hundred and ninety nine (=8499) 八千四百九十九
- eight thousand nine hundred and ninety nine (=8999) 八千九百九十九
- eight thousand one hundred and ninety nine (=8199) 八千一百九十九
- eight thousand seven hundred and ninety nine (=8799) 八千七百九十九
- eight thousand six hundred and ninety nine (=8699) 八千六百九十九
- eight thousand three hundred and ninety nine (=8399) 八千三百九十九
- eight thousand two hundred and ninety nine (=8299) 八千二百九十九
- five thousand eight hundred and ninety nine (=5899) 五千八百九十九
- five thousand five hundred and ninety nine (=5599) 五千五百九十九