- They imported nine thousand pounds worth(or value)of tea. 他们进口了价值九千英镑的茶叶。
- It's about nine thousand six hundred kilometres from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang. 从埃德蒙顿到石家庄大约九千六百公里。
- Mr. Parsons claimed that this nine thousand dollars was in reality a bad debt, that it would never be collected, that it ought not to be taxed. 派逊指出这是一笔永远无法收回的呆帐,所以不应该课征人家的所得税。
- Tacking stock silently, I find that more than nine thousand days have already slid away form me. 在默默里算着,九千多日子已经从我手中溜去;
- They have planted good roots in front of ninety nine thousand million koti Buddhas. 即过于彼九十九百千万俱胝如来之前,久植善根;
- Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Simeon, were fifty and nine thousand and three hundred. 被数的男丁,共有五万九千三百名。
- Mr. Parsons claimed that this nine thousand dollars was in reality a bad debt,that it would never be collected,that it ought not to be taxed. 派逊指出这是一笔永远无法收回的呆帐,所以不应该课征人家的所得税。
- Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt. 在沃尔特·罗利爵士在1595年访问过特立尼达的著名沥青湖,据说该湖的沥青容量有90亿吨。
- Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake. 所得税顾问派逊,同政府一位税收稽查员,为了一笔九千元的帐目发生问题,争论了一个小时。
- Bill went back to his shop for a gas-powered pump and pumped nine thousand gallons of water from our basement in five hours. 比尔回到他的小店拿了一个汽油驱动的水泵,然后连着五小时一共从我家地下室里抽出九千加仑的水。
- Frederick S. Parsons,an income tax consultant,had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake. 所得税顾问派逊,同政府一位税收稽查员,为了一笔九千元的帐目发生问题,争论了一个小时。
- Frederick S.Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector.An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake. 所得税顾问派逊,同政府一位税收稽查员,为了一笔九千元的帐目发生问题,争论了一个小时。
- Apparently, nine thousand years ago, in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which, in turn, soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life. 很明显,9000年前,在扎格罗斯山脉山麓的人们已经成为了农艺师和畜牧师,而这又导致了劳动的分工与村庄文明的发展。
- Apparently,nine thousand years ago,in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which,in turn,soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life. 很明显,9000年前,在扎格罗斯山脉山麓的人们已经成为了农艺师和畜牧师,而这又导致了劳动的分工与村庄文明的发展。
- About eight to nine thousand. 嘉宾:大概有八九千吧。
- Those that were numbered of them, [even] of the tribe of Simeon, [were] fifty and nine thousand and three hundred. Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Simeon ada lima puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus orang. 属西缅支派被数点的,有五万九千三百名。
- Counted nine thousand - waited too long 数到九千,等待太长
- nine thousand eight hundred and eight (=9808) 九千八百零八
- nine thousand eight hundred and eighteen (=9818) 九千八百一十八
- nine thousand eight hundred and eighty (=9880) 九千八百八十