- The night wind revdves in the sky and sing. 夜色在天空中回旋吟唱。
- The night wind whirls in the sky and sings. 夜风在虚空中旋转,唱著歌。
- The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. 晚风正在天空盘旋歌唱。
- And turning to his guest: "The night wind is harsh on the Alps. 他又转过去朝着他的客人:“阿尔卑斯山里的夜风是够受的。
- Then there was only the soft night wind and the timeless sea. 这时,只留下柔和的晚风和无尽的大海。
- The leaves of the old tree stirred gently in the night wind. 老树的树叶在夜风中轻轻摆动。
- The night wind was blowing, and I felt a bit chilly. 晚风吹来,身上冷丝丝的。
- Night wind in summer: The life is a large stage, music is the strewing flowers. 夏日夜风:生活是一座大舞台,音乐就是那,点缀舞台的鲜花。
- Night wind whistled, sleeping in bed, warm blanket is difficult to fall asleep. 夜里寒风呼啸,睡在床上,暖暖的被窝却难以入睡。
- Jack bounced in the saddle. He felt the cool night wind against his face. 杰克坐在了马鞍上,他感觉到冰冷的晚风刮着他的脸。
- Drawing a Bow on a Cold Night An intrepid man on the plateau, braving the cold night wind, practices martial arts. 引弓夜已寒强悍的高原汉子,迎着寒夜瑟瑟的风,练就高强的武艺。
- In the whispering night wind, I smilingly listen to the stem pushing of my cadre. 我在飒飒夜风里,微笑着聆听骨骼轻轻拔节的声音。
- Ah! Could what I hear be the yelping of the cold night wind, or the hanged man giving forth a sigh on the gallows fork. 啊!我听见的,是夜间寒风的呼啸?抑或是吊死者在绞架上的咽气?
- Night wind drifts along the undulating mountains, mischievously blowing the moon westward. 晚风顺著山脉的形状起伏飘荡,并且调皮的把月亮慢慢吹向另一边的山峦。
- My disappointment on the night wind, and the like, condensed into a fast ice, cold with my heart. 我的失望就和着深夜里的寒风一样,凝结成一块快冰,冷着我的心。
- There was a little shelter of green branches outside over the entrance and in the dark the night wind rustled the leaves dried by the sun. 入口上有点儿绿色树枝的掩蔽,在黑暗中,夜风吹动太阳晒干的树叶,发出一片沙沙响。
- The entire Gongwangfu garden spot had the lantern, the faint drumbeat and the creaking sound bright throat pass on from the early fall night wind. 整个恭王府花园都点起了灯笼,隐隐的鼓声和咿呀亮嗓从初秋的夜风中传过来。
- Your heart, made a livelong travel with night wind, pass by the view of mountains and oceans, enjoying the reality and dreams of the world. 心,随风漫漫征程,看过了一山又一水的风景,游历了人世间的真实与梦境。
- Staley Fleming did not, or he would perhaps not have sprung to his feet as the night wind brought in through the open window the long wailing howl of a distant dog. 麦克也不知道,否则他就不会被夜晚远处的狗吠和被微风吹动的窗帘惊吓到几次脚抖,就在他的精神病医生直勾勾的审视的目光前。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。