- Identify signs and symptoms of infection. 识别感染症状。
- What are the signs and symptoms of HN1 influenza? 有哪些症状和体征HN1流感?
- nicotinic signs and symptoms 烟碱样症状
- Sign and Symptoms of Exposure: None. 出现症状:无。
- So the body signs and symptoms are not something terrible. 所以说,身体的信号和症状不是什么可怕的事情。
- Identify and report signs and symptoms of hemorrhage. 识别并报告出血症状。
- What are the Signs and Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori Infection? 哪些症状幽门螺杆菌感染?
- What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for asoagal syncope? 血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?
- What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope? 1. 血管迷走神经性晕厥的危险因素有哪些?
- What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope? 血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?
- Saint emphasized that more than one disease may be responsible for a patient's clinical signs and symptoms. 塞恩特强调病人的临床体征和症状可能由一种以上疾病引起。
- Instruct parents to monitor for long-term complications and their signs and symptoms. 指导家长监视并发症及其症状体征。
- A collection of different signs and symptoms that occur together in specific disease. 疾病中的一组复合的并有内在联系的症状和体征。
- Some patients develop premonitory signs and symptoms, such as nervousness, sweating, and tachycardia. 病人可有先兆性症状,例如易于激动,出汗和心动过速。
- Very often these signs and symptoms are related to the presence of an upper respiratory infection. 这些体征和症状,通常与上呼吸道感染有关。
- The signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer may be only those of an enlarging tumor in the pelvis. 卵巢癌的症状和体征可能只是增大的盆腔肿块。
- Objective:To summarize and analyze signs and symptoms of ectopic appendicitis to downsize diagnostic errors. 目的:对异位阑尾炎的临床症状和体征进行总结分析,以减少误诊。
- AD signs and symptoms were more improved with alclometasone in the acute period. AD的症状和体征在急性期应用阿氯米松好转的更多些。
- Neurologic signs and symptoms were evaluated before and after surgery and during follow up for 11 3 months on avera... 结果所有患者植骨融合,并发症包括伤口大血肿1例,声音嘶哑1例,患者神经功能均改善。
- Signs and symptoms of a bacterial infection include fever, chills, body aches, or headaches. 这种细菌感染的症状通常包括发烧、寒冷、全身酸痛或头痛。