- Inflation began to nibble away at their savings. 通货膨胀开始蚕食他们的存款。
- His teeth having all dropped out, he could only nibble away at his food. 他牙齿全掉光了,他吃东西时只能一点一点地咬。
- Her teeth having all dropped out, Granny Li could only nibble away at her food. 李奶奶的牙齿全部落光了,她吃东西只能一点一点地啃。
- His teeth having all dropped out,he could only nibble away at his food. 他牙齿全掉光了,他吃东西时只能一点一点地咬。
- Her teeth having all dropped out,Granny Li could only nibble away at her food. 李奶奶的牙齿全部落光了,她吃东西只能一点一点地啃。
- Food and rent nibbled away at the money they had saved. 花在食物和房租上的钱把他们的积蓄一点一点耗掉了。
- Ready for the latest in spa pampering Prepare to dunk your feet in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away. 准备宠爱自己一下,享受最新的温泉浴?把脚浸泡在一个水槽里,让小鱼一点一点啃掉角质层。
- Surging domestic demand among Persian Gulf countries also continues to nibble away at available oil exports. 海湾国家国内需求的增长阻碍了原油出口量的增加。
- The idea is to carefully nibble away all the chocolate without incurring a serious injury. 这个点子是要你十分小心地吃掉所有外面的巧克力而不遭致严重的伤害。
- The mice have nibbled away part of the cheese. 老鼠把一部分干酪啃吃了。
- In prosecuting the so-called war on terror, many governments in Western countries where freedoms seemed secure have been tempted to nibble away at them. 在面对所谓的反恐战争的指控时,许多西方国家的政府试图用安全借口一点一点地吃掉公众的自由。
- The succulent morsel was too sweet to ignore.He felt a downward pull and saw a small, brownish fish nibble away all the bait. 鲜美的诱饵太有吸引力了,他感到一阵向下的拉力,眼看着一只棕色的小鱼把鱼饵全叼跑了。
- In fact, if you are willing to nibble away at your portfolio's value during retirement, you can generate a decent amount of income, despite today's lowly yields. 实际上,如果你愿意接受退休期间投资组合价值的逐步减少,那么尽管如今的投资收益率较低,你还是能够获得可观数量的收入。
- In fact, if you're willing to nibble away at your portfolio's value during retirement, you can generate a decent amount of income, despite today's lowly yields. 实际上,如果你愿意接受退休期间投资组合价值的逐步减少,那么尽管如今的投资收益率较低,你还是能够获得可观数量的收入。
- Inflation is nibbling away at spending power. 通货膨胀正在慢慢地减弱消费能力。
- Caterpillars nibbled away the leaves. 毛虫蚕食了叶子。
- The Taiwan compatriots have seen clearly the various tricks played by separatist forces to nibble away the local people's Chinese consciousness and gradually push forward the "Taiwan independence" scheme. We also have seen this clearly. 对于台湾分裂势力以各种蚕食渐进的手法推行“台独”,台湾同胞看得很清楚,我们也看得很清楚。
- There is in all small towns, and there was at M. sur M. in particular, a class of young men who nibble away an income of fifteen hundred francs with the same air with which their prototypes devour two hundred thousand francs a year in Paris. 在所有的小城里,尤其是在滨海蒙特勒伊,有一种青年人,在外省每年蚕食一千五百利弗的年金,正和他们的同类在巴黎每年鲸吞二十万法郎同一情形。
- The mice have nibbled away the edges of these books. 老鼠把这些书的边都啃坏了。
- The mice have nibbled away the edges of these papers. 老鼠把这些报纸的边啃坏了。