- The next to the last item in a series. 倒数第二的一个系列中最后一项的上一项
- The school is located next to the church. 学校紧挨着教堂。
- A check mark appears next to the menu item when the toolbar is displayed. 当显示工具栏时,紧挨着菜单项出现一个复选标记。
- The supermarket is next to the chemist's. 超市就在药房隔壁。
- The hotel is just next to the restaurant. 旅馆就紧挨在饭店旁边。
- The shin is distal to the thigh. 胫骨在大腿的远侧。
- The next to the last syllable in a word. 词中倒数第二音节的
- The college is located next to the airport. 学院在机场旁边。
- The dining room is next to the kitchen. 餐室就在厨房旁边。
- The ATM is next to the downstairs office. ATM机就在楼下办公室的旁边。
- The spoon is right next to the fork. 勺子就在叉子的旁边。
- There's a department store next to the hotel. 饭店旁边有个百货商店。
- He was down in his lab, next to the receiver. 他在下面的实验室里,在电话接听器旁。
- And the Fiat next to the Volkswagen? 大众旁边的菲亚特(fiat)怎么样?
- And you can find the bookshop next to the museum. 你就会看到书店在博物馆旁边。
- There is a cafeteria next to the post office. 快餐厅挨着邮局。
- Our house is the one next to the school. 我家的房子就是学校旁边的那座。
- It's just across the street next to the pharmacy. 它就在街对面,紧挨着药店
- It was next to unthinkable that the hunchback came down to the rope as quickly as a monkey. 驼背人从绳子上像猴子一样地滑下来几乎是不可想象的。
- There's a department store next to the postoffice. 在邮局旁边有个百货公司。