- The newly constructed high-rises add greatly to the beauty of this city. 新建的一些大楼大大地增加了这个城市的美观。
- Note: Climate index of floor space newly constructed is newly added in 2001. 注:新开工面积景气指数为2001年度新增指数。
- Everything looks very promising in the newly constructed development zone. 新建设的开发区,一片欣欣向荣景象。
- The newly constructed Tung Chung Police Station was in place to serve an expected population of 150 000 residents. 新的东涌警署已经落成启用,为预计会达15万的居民提供服务。
- Swift access through Millennium City 3 with a newly constructed car lane linking Chong Yip Street with Kwun Tong Road. 新建行车接驳通道直达3期地面大堂并贯通创业街及观塘道,交通便捷。
- By following this guideline, your newly constructed value type instances are not left in an unusable state. 如果遵循这一准则,新构造的值类型实例不会处于不可用的状态。
- And, its aerodynamic stability was carefully checked in a newly constructed boundary layer large wind tunnel facility. 加劲梁已通过风洞试验表明具有足够的抗风强度。
- Most installations are made on newly constructed buildings, but retrofits are rising. 绿屋顶大多设置在新建筑物上,但翻修时装置的例子也逐渐增多。
- Mexicali's newly constructed large-scale shopping center is also owned by a Chinese entrepreneur. 墨市新建的超大型百货商场,也是华商的大手笔。
- From the park we also got some views on Fontvieille, a newly constructed area reclaimed from the sea. 在公园里,我们还欣赏到芳薇耶的部分景观,填海后建造的新兴建筑区。
- Further, newly constructed corvettes and small warships below 1000 tons were also assigned to convoy duty. 其次,很多新建的军舰和1000吨以下级小型军舰也参与执行护航任务。
- The brief is to regenerate a site adjacent to a newly constructed complex of motor retail trade, into a vibrant down town shopping/office area. 本案是要在毗邻新建成的汽车零售贸易区地块内再建成一个充满活力的市中心购物中心与办公室区。
- To reinterpret the economic performance of this cotton economy in the light of based on the newly constructed GIS database. 以地理信息系统重新展示及诠释该地区棉纺织业的经济表现;
- This paper further introduces the characteristics of the newly constructed infinite theory and proclaims the end of the classical infinite theory. 摘要进一步介绍了新构建的无穷理论体系的特点,宣告经典无穷理论体系的终结。
- The experiences of selecting types for boiler's sootblowers in Dezhou Power Plant are worth to use for reference to newly constructed coal-fired units. 德州电厂在锅炉吹灰器选型上的经验,值得新建燃煤机组借鉴。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- All came forth to move in procession before the people's eye, and thus impart a needed dignity to the simple framework of a government so newly constructed. 他们在人们眼前按部就班地一一定来,以使那刚刚组成的政府的简单机构获得所需的威严。
- With its newly constructed brewhouse, the brewery is adapting the brewing process and the brewery equipment to the drastically increased output figures of the past years. 该啤酒厂以最新建立的糖化车间、啤酒酿造过程和设备配合了过去几年中迅速增长的产量要求。
- In the newly constructed venues and the Olympic Village , solar-heat water and lighting are provided. Methods of water harvesting and purified wastewater for resurge are adopted. 北京新建的奥运场馆和奥运村,采用太阳能热水、照明,收集雨水和废水净化重复使用。