- Hong Kong is a good place for the newly weds. 对新婚夫妇来说,香港是好地方。
- Our blessing ceremony will bless every newly weds. 执子之手,你当然希望自己的婚姻长长久久,幸福美满。
- She is newly wed and is not used to it yet. 她刚做了新妇,还有点不习惯。
- A shower of rice hit the newly weds as they left the chapel. 新婚夫妇离开教堂时,雨点般的米粒打在了他们身上。
- Newly wed girl told mom her husband is still a virgin. 初婚的女孩告诉妈说她的丈夫还是处男。
- Apparently, a newly wed couple lived here once, long ago. 很久以前,也许20年前,有一对结婚不久的夫妻住在这。
- Feature: Spring can bounce back quickly . Achoice for newly wed couples. 产品特点:回弹性强,是新婚人士最佳选择。
- This newly wedded couple are always quarreling. 这对新婚夫妇总是吵架。
- Tradition also calls for a joined community effort to make the newly weds an anticipation for many children to come. 传统还提倡大家都要参与,预示着将来子孙满堂。
- Jenny and David are a newly wedded couple. 詹妮和戴维是新婚夫妇。
- One of the doctor couples are newly weds, who cancelled their honeymoon trip to take part in this free clinic. 有一对医生夫妇刚结婚不久,为了参加义诊,他们取消蜜月旅行。
- While designing homes for newly weds, Alvin never forgets the storage though people tend to neglect it for beautiful arrangement. 设计新婚居所时,叶锦雄都会为新婚夫妇妥贴安排贮物柜。
- Newly weds who would like to celebrate by visiting a famous site, such as the Taj Mahal, can make virtual tours instead. 蜜月里的新人可以在网上虚拟游览他们去不了的名胜,比如泰姬陵。在韩国和新加坡等一些较发达的亚洲国家,年轻人热衷于网上赌博,并纷纷上瘾。
- For newly weds, honeymooners it must be an ‘unbearable’ seperation when one has to visit the restroom for a few minutes. 对于正在度蜜月的新人们来说,上洗手间的短短几分钟时间都是“难以忍受”的分离。
- Carol: Now, almost twenty years ago, my Grandpa Ed toasted two newly weds, as they began their life together. So grandpa, would you please lead us in another toast? 卡罗尔:好,在20年以前,我的外公艾德为这对新婚夫妇的结合而祝酒,所以外公,今天再请你来祝酒好吗?
- A recent survey found that the district registered about 25,000 marriages every year and 87 percent of the newly weds had a child in the first year of marriage. 据近日的一项调查,该区每年有2万5千对夫妇登记结婚,87%25的新婚夫妇婚后的第一年就生了孩子。
- A recent survey found that the district registered about 25,000 marriages every year and 87 percent of the newly weds had a child in the first year of marriage. 据近日的一项调查,该区每年有2万5千对夫妇登记结婚,87%25的新婚夫妇婚后的第一年就生了孩子。
- Our market provides serial services for newly wedded couples. 本商场为新婚夫妇提供一条龙服务。
- I was invited over by the newly wedded couple for a meal. 我被那对新婚夫妇请去吃饭。
- The newly wedded woman has been pregnant for five month. 那刚结婚的女人已怀胎五个月。