- newly founded local colleges 新建地方本科院校
- the newly founded local universities 新建地方本科院校
- The Countermeasures and Suggestions of the Great-Leap-Forward Development on Newly Founded Local Four-Year Colleges 新建地方本科院校实验室实现跨越式发展的探讨
- newly founded local university 地方新建本科院校
- They proposed the success of the newly founded company. 他们提议为这个新建公司的成功而干杯。
- A student union called for a one-day strike at local colleges. 在当地大学中,一个学生会号召进行为时一天的罢课。
- I've signed up to take a course at the local college. 我已经报名读本地的学院的一个课程。
- LCH architects is a newly founded multi-disciplinary firm focusing on architecture, master planning, and interior. 凌合建筑设计咨询有限公司)是一个新兴的外资联合设计事务所。主要从事建筑设计、总体规划和室内设计。
- The Fujian Branch of China Tietong is a newly founded telecommunications carrier company. 中国铁通福建分公司是一个新兴的通信运营企业。
- It is a trend for the presidents of the newly founded universities to professionalize themselves. 摘要校长职业化发展是大学尤其是新建本科院校的趋势。
- The Manchus quickly seized Beijing, and defeated the newly founded Shun Dynasty and remaining Ming resistance, to establish the Qing Dynasty. 满人很快夺取了北京,而击败了新近建立的宋朝和残余的明朝抵抗力量,建立了清朝。
- He also gave guest lectures at Abraham Flexner's then newly founded Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey during the same period. 当时亚伯拉罕.;佛雷克斯纳在新泽西的普林斯顿新建了高等研究院,在那段时期,爱因斯坦也去那里讲课。
- The melody of the nocturne,’ was broadcast over the air to thousands of homes and it was played live by the Zhuhai Radio Chamber Orchestra, a recently founded local orchestra. 这优美的小夜曲、通过电波进入千家万户,而在珠海电台现场演奏的就是珠海本土乐队---珠海广播室内乐团。
- To connect rivers and lakes into a navigational network with canals was one of the political consensuses in the newly founded United States. 摘要修建运河以连接自然河流和湖泊成为美国建国初期的一大政治共识。
- This paper is intended to make a study of this issue so as to improve NDE in local colleges. 探讨制约市州高校国防教育发展滞后的因素,是推进高校国防教育健康发展的基础性工作。
- Chengdu Maxel Technology Ltd. is a newly founded high-tech company focusing on IT professional service solution and value added service. 成都迈盛科技有限公司是专注于IT专业服务解决方案和增值业务的高技术公司。
- To find a user group in your area, call your local college computer center, ask the staff at a local computer store or talk to your librarian. 要想找到你所在地的用户协会,可以给当地大学的计算机中心打电话,询问当地计算机商店的店员或找图书馆管理员打听。
- He is doing a commercial course at the local college. 他在当地的学院里教授一门商业课程。
- Having inherited from Confucianism the humanistic spirit and social ideal,the newly founded Bahaism has finished its convert from a traditional religion to a modernized one. 新兴的巴哈伊教承传儒学的人文精神及社会理想,取得了传统宗教向现代化转换的成功;
- I have signed up to take a course at te local college. 我已经报名在当地学院学一门课程。