- Bush's dream of a new world order hangs on the edge of a volcano. 布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。
- Bush's dream of a new world order hang on the edge of a volcano. 布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。
- Make me king, as we move toward a new world order. 随着我们迈向世界新秩序。
- Make me king,as we move toward a new world order. 世界属于我,因为夺走的一切使我成为其中的国王。
- Do not participate in works of this New World Order. 不要参予这个新世界秩序的工作。
- Multiplicity is the force base to construct new world order. 多极化是建立世界新秩序的力量基础。
- The Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister who will lead the U.N. into the new world order defies categorization. 即将带领联合国跨入世界新秩序的埃及副总理究竟属于何许人,令人扑朔迷离。
- The regimes he is so assiduously cultivating are, by this account, the nucleus of a new world order. 按他的话来说,他正在孜孜不倦培育的制度就是世界新秩序的核心。
- The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. 奥巴马的现象就是一个精心策划的骗局, 用以建立新的世界资本秩序。
- The conference is one of a pioneering endeavor and historic significance, one that will have a positive impact on the shaping of a new world order. 这是一次具有历史意义的开拓性的会议,它对形成一个新的世界格局将产生积极的影响。
- The bilateral relationship is built on the basis of common interests and is conducive to a more balanced and pluralistic new world order. 中欧关系正是建立在共有利益的基础上,它有助于建构一个更为平衡、多元的国际新秩序。
- However, American's action is just to meet her national interest, is to prepare for the New World Order which was claimed by the United States. 然而,美国对于国际问题的解决是以“美国利益”为标准,是为建立美国提出的“世界新秩序”做准备。
- The Acropolis was to be the master stroke of Heracle's power broking, a monumental declaration of Athens' dominance in the New World order. 雅典卫城便是在赫拉克利斯的大力策划下兴建起来的,它具有非常的意义,宣告雅典在世界新秩序中的统治地位。
- Note, there will be some Laws coming due to the New World Order Agenda Degenerates that run our country, Do not give up your guns! 贝瑞塔提供的理由并不十分令人信服,所以我们想知道切断信号真正的目的是什么。
- The Acropolis was to be the master 15)stroke of Heracles’ power broking, a monumental declaration of Athens’ dominance in the New World order. 雅典卫城便是在赫拉克利斯的大力策划下兴建起来的,它具有非常的意义,宣告雅典在世界新秩序中的统治地位。
- The multi-polarization of the world structure is the trend of historical development. Constructing new world order on the basis of multi-polar balance is the realistic choice. 世界格局多极化是历史发展的大趋势,在多极均衡基础上构建世界新秩序是现实的选择。
- The post-Cold War new world order is still taking shape.It would behoove Taiwanese leaders to play close attention and make necessary adjustments in policy. 后冷战时代的新世界秩序,其实仍然在形成当中,身在台湾的领导者是有必要做密切的观察与应变。
- For example, its attempts to formulate a new world order based on cooperation, equity, and respect for human rights and self-determination had not been entirely successful. 例如,联合国试图建立一个基于合作、公平、尊重人权和自决的新的世界秩序,却没有能够获得完全成功。
- The roles which can be played and the influences which can be exerted by today's Europe in this increasingly globalized new world order have unlimited potential for development. 今日欧洲的力量在这个越来越全球化的新国际秩序里,所能扮演的角色及发挥的影响力将是无限宽广。
- The leaders of the powers that fought the second world war met on Monday to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the defeat of Hitler and the start of a new world order. 参加第二次世界大战的诸大国领导人们周一聚首,纪念击败希特勒和一种世界新秩序诞生60周年。