- New taxa of Dipsacus from Lu Shan. 庐山川续断属的新分类群。
- New taxa of Cornaceae from China. 中国山茱萸科的新分类群.
- Some new taxa of Myrsinaceae from Sichuan. 文章题目 四川紫金牛科新植物.
- New taxa of Ribes L. (Saxifragaceae) from China. 中国茶__子属(虎耳草科)新植物.
- New taxa of the genus Aristolochia from Sichuan. 四川马兜铃属植物新类群.
- New taxa of Sedum from Hengduanshan in China. 中国横断山景天属新分类群.
- New taxa of the Cyperaceae from Hengduanshan. 横断山区莎草科新分类群.
- Some new taxa of Acorus (Araceae) from Sichuan. 四川天南星科菖蒲属新植物.
- Several new taxa of Ilex from Sichuan. 四川冬青属植物的新等级.
- New taxa of Swertia L. from China. 国产獐牙菜属的新分类群.
- New taxa of genus Fritillaria L. from China(cont.). 国产贝母属的新分类群(续).
- New taxa of genus Athyrium Roth in China (I). 中国蹄盖蕨属的新分类群 I.
- New taxa of the genus Ligustrum (Oleaceae). 文章题目 女贞属新分类群.
- New taxa of the genus Primula L. from Xizang. 西藏报春花属植物新类群.
- New taxa of Berberidaceae from S.W.China. 中国西南部小檗科新植物.
- New taxa of Oleaceae from Yunnan. 云南木犀科植物新分类群.
- New taxa of the genus Aspidistra. 四川百合科蜘蛛抱蛋属新植物.
- Some new taxa of Aquifoliaceae and Celastraceae from Xizang. 西藏冬青科和卫矛科新植物.
- New taxa of Buxaceae from China with discussions on some species. 中国黄杨科的新植物并某些种的讨论.
- New taxa of the genus Aspidistra (Liliaceae) from Sichuan. 四川百合科蜘蛛抱蛋属新植物.