- new economic organizations and new social organizations “两新组织”
- The term was invented by the Romans to denote a new social organism, whose head ruled over wife and children and a number of slaves, and was invested under Roman paternal power with rights of life and death over them all. 这一用语是罗马人所发明,用以表示一种新的社会机体,这种机体的首长,以罗马的父权支配着妻子﹑子女和一定数量的奴隶,并且对他们握有生杀之权。
- Since the reform and opening on, our country has greatly changed in the respects of politic、economy、social organization and social stratum structure and so on, and engendered new social ranks. 摘要改革开放以来,我国在政治、经济以及社会组织和社会阶层结构等方面都发生了很大变化,产生了新的社会阶层。
- We should initiate a new social custom. 我们要开创社会新风尚。
- They are struggling to create a new social order . 他们在为建立一个新的社会秩序而斗争。
- new social organizations 新社会组织
- The increase in the GNP spawned a new social class. 由于国民生产总值的增加,出现了一个新的社会阶级。
- They are struggling to create a new social order. 他们在为建立一个新的社会秩序而斗争。
- The number of social organizations has also increased. 各种社会团体也有很大增加。
- The management of social organizations has been strengthened. 社团管理工作得到加强。
- They have evolved into new social classes from the womb of feudal society. 它们从封建社会脱胎而来,构成了新的社会阶级。
- Old values are being grafted onto a new social class. 旧的价值观念正植根于新的社会阶层。
- They are spreading with tireless energy the propaganda of the new social order. 他们为共同的事业,以旺盛的精力宣传着新的社会秩序。
- The government and social organizations are adopting measures to overcome these inadequacies. 政府和社会团体正在采取措施解决这些问题。
- In other words,the day we turn 21 is the day we enter a whole new social plane. 换言之,迈入21岁的那天,我们就进入了一个全新的社会层面。
- Feminization of poverty appears as a relatively new social problem in America. 贫困妇女化是美国新近出现的一个社会问题。
- He enjoys traveling, volunteering for multi-cultural social organizations, and skiing. 他喜欢旅游、志愿为多重文化社会组织服务和滑雪。
- The weakening of social organizations, the maladjustment of children, and finally, crime, had resulted. 使社会组织削弱,孩子心理失调,最后,造成更多的人犯罪。
- The members of a social organization who are in power. 一个当权的社会组织的成员。
- The fund mainly comes from donation of social organizations, enterprises and individuals. 这是一种以自主自愿方式筹集养老保险基金的形式。