- The death of two poets, Zhu Xiang and Gu Cheng, caused a great vibration in the history of New Poetry in China. 诗人朱湘和顾城之死,在中国新诗史上震动较大,曾经是评论界关注的两个热点。
- new poetry in China 中国新诗
- Baiyangdian poetry tribe in "the cultural revolution of China" is the unbroken part in the development of modem poetry in the 20th, it has the important meaning in the development of new poetry. 摘要“文革”语境中的白洋淀诗群是20世纪中国新诗不间断发展的一个重要环节,其在当代新诗发展史上具有重要意义。
- The new poetry, inheriting China's traditional symbolic approach in poetry, adopts western symbolic approach and assimilates western symbolic approach so as to develop new poetry in art. 新诗在继承中国传统诗歌象征手法的同时,嫁接了西方象征手法,并同化了西方象征手法,使新诗在艺术上得到发展。
- Bai Yangdian poetry tribe in the cultural revolution of China is the unbroken part in the development of modem poetry in the 20th, and it has the important meaning in the development of new poetry. 摘要文革语境中的白洋淀诗群是20世纪中国新诗不间断发展的一个重要环节,其在当代新诗了发展史上具有重要意义。
- This paper discusses the connotations and denotations of metrical patterns of New Poetry in order to establish the goal of metricalization of New Poetry. 摘要论述歌格律的内涵和外延,以此来确立新诗格律化运动的目标。
- It is disseminating that usually affects and decides the construction of new poetry and the shaping of mass organizations and schools of new poetry in contemporary literature. 摘要现代文学史上传播往往影响甚至决定着新诗的建构乃至社团、流派的形成。
- The new poetry in the period of the May Fourth Movement is in its primary stage and it is the transitional period of the establishment of the style of the new poetry. 五四时期是新诗的草创时期,是新诗的文体建设由自发向自觉转变的过渡期。
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。
- On the Studies of New Poetry in the Mainland of China since 1990s 论1990年代以来大陆新诗研究
- My little daughter likes reciting poetry in public. 我的小女儿喜欢当众背诵诗歌。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他。
- His article appeared in China Daily yesterday. 他的文章昨天发表于“中国日报”上。
- How many dynasties are there in China's history? 中国历史上有多少个朝代?
- WEN Jie, the Pioneer of the New Poetry in the Frontier and his masterpieces 新边塞诗的开拓者闻捷及其代表作
- He visited, in all, ten hospitals in China. 他在中国共参观了10家医院。
- She wrote most of her poetry in blank verse. 她所写的诗大部分都是无韵诗。
- I don't like reciting poetry in public. 我不喜欢当众背诵诗歌。
- Do you know what is the legislature in China? 你知道中国的立法机关是哪个吗?