- Several factors deter new industry from coming to the city. 许多因素造成了新工业无法进入这座城市。
- new industry belt 新产业带
- I created a whole new industry here. 我在这里创办了一个崭新的工业。
- There's no paradigm to follow in this new industry. 在这个崭新的行业里没有范例可做参考。
- The community will benefit from the new industry. 这社区将得益于这项新工业。
- Ecosystem Services: Can It Be a New Industry in the Future? 生态系统服务:能否形成一种新的产业?
- Apparently, any new industry seemed to do well in Chicago. 显然地,任何新工业在芝加哥仿佛都很发达。
- The technology of bolometer will be a new industry in nextdecade. 测辐射热计技术有望在下一个十年发展成为一门新的产业。
- They call for more government investment in new industry. 他们呼吁政府给新兴工业更多的投资。
- Then, corresponding development strategies on the basis of SWOT analysis on the tourism development of the orange industry belt in Quzhou were suggested. 结合对衢州柑橘产业带的旅游开发的SWOT分析,提出了在该区发展旅游业的相应策略。
- We began to develop a new industrial site. 我们开始开发一个新的工业区。
- This article analyzed freeway's construction and management how to become freeway industry belt and how to accelerate regional economic development harmonious. 本文分析了高速公路建设运营后,产业带的形成机理以及促进区域经济协调发展所起的作用。
- Several new industries arose in the town. 城里出现了好几种新行业。
- How far we are away from new industrialization? 我们离新型工业化有多远?
- The gap is still wider in the new industries. 新兴工业的差距就更大了。
- This paper analyzes the "10th Five-Year Plan" period of Huning information industry belt from four perspectives which contains dimension of space, dimension of time, endogenous and exogenous factors. 本文从空间维度、时间维度、内生和外生因素四个角度对“十五”期间沪宁线信息产业发展历程进行了系统的回顾。
- Despite a will to diversify, it will be hard to attract new industry. 虽然州政府有意推行多元化来吸引新型产业,但事实上却非易事。
- The strategy of development of East LongHai Industry Belt, which can reduce the region development disparity, and promote the region-coordinated development, is very important for Jiangsu Province. 沿东陇海线产业带的建设是江苏省缩小区域发展差距、促进区域协调发展的重要战略,是江苏省经济理论界关注的重点课题之一。
- "Paparazzi" is a new industry in China, practitioners of no more than 20. “狗仔队”是一个新兴行业,在中国内地,从业者不超过20人。