- He made a good adaptation to his new class. 他在新班级中适应得很好。
- You should adapt yourself to the new class. 你应该适应新班级。
- The new class of warship was built to hand out the punishment. 这条新等级战舰是为了痛击敌人而建造的。
- The name of the new class to be derived. 要派生的新类的名称。
- Derives a new class from this class. 从此类派生新类。
- Name the new class Customer and click Add. 将新类命名为Customer,然后单击“添加”。
- Write code in the new class that derives from. 派生的新类中编写代码。
- Add a new class to your project, and rename it. 向项目中添加一个新类,然后重命名它。
- On the Project tab, select the new class library. 在“项目”选项卡上,选择新的类库。
- He'll be in a new class with a new teacher. 他会进入一个新的班级,有一个新老师。
- Boldt and Leiter proposed that a new class of objects may exist. 博尔特和莱特指出,可能存在一种新型的物体。
- The navy is/are introducing a new class of warship this year. 海军今年要装备新一级的军舰.
- The new class inherits the ProfileGroupBase base class. 新类继承ProfileGroupBase基类。
- In the new class, create the actions for the smart tags. 在新建的类中,创建智能标记的操作。
- Exchange 2007 SP1 does not include any new class identifiers. Exchange 2007 SP1不包含任何新类标识符。
- Specifies the name of the base class for the new class. 指定新类的基类名称。
- Open a new class library project and add a user control. 打开一个新的类库项目并添加用户控件。
- Declare a new class that inherits from the Container class. 声明从Container类集成的新类。
- Isonucleosides represent a new class of nucleoside analogues. 异核苷代表了一类新的核苷类似物。
- Finn:I think it's time we started our new class project. 芬恩:我认为,我们是时候开始一门新的课题了。