- There's a job at the New Asia hotel. 新亚旅社有一份工作。
- Today a new Asia is emerging. Africa is renewing herself. 今天,一个新的亚洲正在崛起,非洲也在刷新自己。
- Zhengzhou New Asia Superhard Material Composite Co., Ltd. 郑州新亚复合超硬材料有限公司。
- New Asia campus is tranquil and spacious and NA students are down-to-earth. 新亚校园宁静宽广,新亚学生都很朴实。
- English: Old campus of New Asia College at Kweilin Street, Sham Shui Po. 中文:位于深水埗桂林街的新亚书院旧校舍遗址。
- The 40th anniversary of the New Asia College drew a gaggle of scholars together. 新亚书院四十周年院庆,鸿儒硕彦群聚一堂。
- SIA and Singapore need to entrench themselves in the new Asia, where China calls the shots. 新航和新加坡都需要在新亚洲延伸自己的触角,而中国正在成为新亚洲的领袖。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949),Chung Chi College (1951) and United College (1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- The new Asia taking shape is too big, too diverse, too independent and too rich for one country to rule. Not China, not the United States, not India. 现在亚洲的发展形势,各国之间,差别太大,太多样,太独立,太富裕,以致一个国家没有能力统治整个亚洲。中国不能,美国不能,印度不能。
- The expansion comes before the planned raising of a new Asia buy-out fund, expected to be worth more than the $750m Carlyle raised in 2000. 在这次扩张行动之后,一个新的亚洲收购基金将计划进行筹资,预计筹资规模超过卡莱尔2000年筹集的7.;5亿美元。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949), Chung Chi College (1951) and United College (1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- New Asia to people-centered, constantly shaping the industry elite talent and become the electronic manufacturing industry supporting a star. 新亚以人为本,不断地塑造行业的精英人才,成为电子生产配套行业的一颗明星。
- The numbers highlight the rivalry between “new Asia” and “old Asia”, says Sacha Wunsch-Vincent of the OECD, one of the report's authors. 经济合作与发展组织的一员SachaWunsch-Vincent,也是上文中所提报告的作者之一,表示报告中的数据分析说明了“新亚洲”与“老亚洲”之间的竞赛状态。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949),Chung Chi College (founded in 1951) and United College (founded in 1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949), Chung Chi College (founded in 1951) and United College (founded in 1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- New Asia College is the combination of humanistic education tradition and modem society, and a useful attempt to inherit the tradition and to adapt to the times. 新亚书院是探寻传统人文主义教育宗旨与现代社会相结合的产物,是继承传统适应时代的一次有益尝试;
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。