- These include the financing of the second runway, the north-west concourse and new capital expenditure arising after airport opening. 该项贷款用作普通企业融资,包括第二条跑道、西北客运廊及机场启用后所需的资本支出。
- These include the financing of the second runway,the north-west concourse and new capital expenditure arising after airport opening. 该项贷款用作普通企业融资,包括第二条跑道、西北客运廊及机场启用后所需的资本支出。
- For example, an investment decision relative to new capital expenditures might be processed in terms of a capital expenditure decision model. 例如,一项投资决定相对于新的资本支出也许根据一项政府支出决定模型被处理。
- Capital expenditure was treble the 1998 level. 资本支出是1998年的三倍。
- Analysis of capital expenditure projects? 资金消费项目的分析?
- The expenditure may be for purpose of replacement depreciated capital or for creating new capital. 这项开支可用于补偿被折旧的资本,也可以用于建立新的资本。
- Prepare and update Capital Expenditure Plan (CEP) for the division. 及时编制并更新子公司的资本性支出计划表。
- W. T. has been trying to locate new capital. 沃·特一直在想办法物色新的投资。
- W.T. has been trying to locate new capital. 沃·特一直在想办法物色新的投资。
- Capital expenditure is a hindrance rather than a help. 资本支出只会碍事,不会带来帮助。
- The informal ratio of output divided by capital expenditure. 产出除以资本支出的比率。
- Bonds generally have longer-term maturities than direct loans and usually issued to pay for capital expenditure such as new plant and equipment. 公司债券通常比直接贷款的期限长,并且通常发行用于支付资本性开支比如厂房和设备。
- Power of Choice programs provide packagers with a wide variety of options for acquiring new and like-new adhesive dispensing equipment without an upfront capital expenditure. 功率的选择方案提供包装各种各样的办法获取新的和喜欢的新胶配药设备,前期资本支出。
- Government expenditure comprises operating expenditure and capital expenditure. 政府的开支帐目分为经营开支和非经营开支。
- It will be charged as capital expenditure of the Capital Works Reserve Fund. 有关利息会记入基本工程储备基金的非经营开支。
- David as king takes Jerusalem and makes it his new capital. 大卫王攻取耶路撒冷并使它成为新的京都。
- Determine equipment needs and oversee capital expenditure justification. 决定设备需求,监察资本支出。
- New capital gazette: The medal back has many tears actually. 新京报:奖牌的背面其实有很多的眼泪。
- Goosefoot: 2009 capital expenditure will with comparative basically 2008. 黎: 2009年资本支出将与2008年基本相当。
- New capital gazette: How do you understand these questions? 新京报:你怎么理解这些问题?