- never thow out anyone. 并非向他人抱怨。
- I feel it my duty to help out anyone in trouble. 帮助有困难的人是一种责任。
- People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed never throw out anyone. 人之所以为人,是必须充满精力、自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长;并非向人抱怨。
- People,eben more than things,have to be restored,reclaimed and redeemed;never throw out anyone. 人之所以为人,是必须充满精力、自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长;并非向人抱怨。
- The regulations rule out anyone under the age of 18. 规则规定18岁以下的人都不能参加。
- People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone. 我发现出场人物全用外号写出来的文章看得人有点晕乎。。。。。。。。不过也很有意思。。。。。。
- People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed. Never throw out anyone. 对人,更要著重和谐关系,懂得修复,和好,感化及实践。 绝不可离弃任何人。
- The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen . 按规定,18岁以下的人都不能参加。
- The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen. 规则规定十八岁以下的人都不能参加。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- Generally speaking, I think we should rule out anyone that doesn't live near here. 一般说来,我认为我们必须去掉那些不住在附近的。
- Interview means exam and competition. Someone destine to failure. I don't want to wash out anyone, but I had to. 选拔就意味着考试,意味着竞争,意味着有人要失败。真的不想淘汰谁,但名额有限。
- People.even more than thing have to be restored.reviveo reclaimed and redeemed;nenv throw out anyone. 人之所以为人,是必须充满精力,自我悔改,自我反省,自我成长:并非向人抱怨.
- Believe me, in this game, the really good assets are not at all clear, or won't be for many years. You can't rule out anyone. 请相信我,在这场游戏中,我们一点也说不准谁将是真正的赢家,或者说好多年都说不上来,任何人都不能排除在外。
- Yet bailing out anyone who asks nicely is a recipe for promoting (even more) recklessness and yet another crisis in the future. 另一方面,为任何好言求助的任何机构提供纾困,则是鼓励(甚至更多)鲁莽行为、导致未来另一场危机的配方。
- Don't try to find out anyone's inmate number because it could be used to determine a prisoner's criminal record, which is considered private. 别试着去打探别人的编号,因为那可以用来查出他当初犯了什么罪,而这种事情被视做是犯人的隐私。
- She would never knowingly hurt anyone. 她决不会故意伤害任何人。
- This Nanny Mang was an exception. She had been with the family five or six years simply because she dared bawl out anyone who annoyed her-whether master or mistresses. 只有这个张妈,已经跟了他们五六年,唯一的原因是她敢破口就骂,不论先生,哪管太太,招恼了她就是一顿。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- We will never yield to invaders. 我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。