- neurofibrilary tangles 神经元纤维缠结
- The square have four equel lines and tangles. 正方形有四条等边和四个直角.
- Why do plaques and tangles form? 为什么会产生斑块和纠缠?
- Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse. 像这类纠缠不清的误会仍然妨碍着他们的交情。
- The wife often tangles with her husband about trifle things. 妻子经常与她丈夫为鸡毛蒜皮的事吵架。
- I don't like to sew with thread that tangles easily. 我不喜欢用打结的线缝东西.
- The wife often tangles with her hu*********and about trifle things. 妻子经常与她丈夫为鸡毛蒜皮的事吵架。
- Regular grooming with a brush and comb is required to prevent tangles. 经常需要梳洗。
- Easy English communication. Native speaker on staff for any tangles. 轻松英语交流,混乱状态下员工说母语。
- This comb can remove tangles and snarls from both the mane and tail. 蹄采撷用于清洗土和残骸在马的蹄外面的底部。
- Conditioning the hair remoes tangles, particularly at the ends of the hair. 头发应该每天用洗发香波洗,并充分冲洗。
- She tangles with her boyfriend and runs to go out in the heavy rain. 她和男朋友吵了一架,冒着大雨跑了出去。
- The smart money says that plaque formation triggers the disease, and that the tangles are a secondary effect. 有关专家认为是这些斑块引发了疾病,而陶蛋白缠结则是一个次生性的效应。
- At the top, in large affairs, life goes off almost inexplicable tangles of personalities. 在最上层,在大企业里,忽然闹起了一些几乎无法解释的人物纠纷。
- Carefully towel blot your hair dry after a wash. Avoid tangles as it can damage the hair perm. 洗后要不心地用毛巾擦干头发。避免把头发弄得很乱,那样会损坏烫发效果。
- Helps reduce tangles and makes the hair easier to control and manage after shampooing. 强而有效的皮肤及披毛护理素,犬猫合用。
- Human apoE4 has been found in senile plaques (SPs) and neurofibrillary tangles (NTFs) in AD brains. 研究进一步表明,AD患者脑内的老年斑和神经原纤维缠结中存在有较多的载脂蛋白E4(apolipoprotein E4,apoE4)。
- Segmentation of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles is crucial to pathological analysis of Alzheimer's disease. 老年斑和神经元缠结的分割提取对于阿尔茨海默症病理研究有重要的意义。
- This gives the coat remarkable sheen and silky feel,It moistures overworked hair,removes tangles. 能令皮毛如丝绸般柔软,既可滋润皮毛,亦有解结的作用。
- BY MANY measures, prospects for unpicking the Middle East's intertwined tangles look as slim as ever. 通过许多政策实施,中东地区矛盾纠结的状况已经有所改善。