- neurasthenic asthenopia [医] 神经衰弱性眼疲劳
- Does neurasthenic conference appear what symptom? 神经衰弱会出现什么症状?
- What is neurasthenic symptom? How to treat? 神经衰弱的症状是什么?怎么治疗?
- Renown inferior health, old say neurasthenic. 又名亚健康状态,旧称神经衰弱。
- She was already being treated for neurasthenia. 她已开始接受神经衰弱的治疗。
- Use bifocal or varifocal lenses may relieve the asthenopia. 如改用双焦点或渐进多焦点镜片可能有助于减轻视疲劳。
- Sufferred from neurasthenic with what to medication commonly? 患了神经衰弱一般用什么药物治疗?
- Neurasthenia is a common and frequently occurring disease. 神经衰弱为常见、多发病之一。
- Heal arthritis, neurasthenia and a variety of infections. 强心、降血压、治疗关节炎、神经衰弱、各种感染。
- This is one of the measures the treatment of neurasthenia. 这是治疗神经衰弱的措施之一。
- Regular food, neurasthenia and fatigue have benefit. 经常食用,对神经衰弱和过度疲劳均有补益。
- Neurasthenic essence is disease of sex of a kind of function, can cure so. 神经衰弱的本质是一种功能性疾病,所以是可以治好的。
- Shadowboxing and qigong are cure neurasthenic most effective sports treatment. 太极拳和气功是治疗神经衰弱最为有效的体育疗法。
- See at neurasthenic, also see at spending recognizant obstacle gently when. 见于神经衰弱,也见于轻度意识障碍时。
- Latter, I discover neurasthenic symptom, and nose, gum often bleeds. 蔡医生: 我是在一间乡镇制鞋厂工作的“打工妹”,时间已有三、四年了。近来,我发现有神经衰弱的症状,而且鼻、牙龈常出血。
- Renown eye drops can ameliorate the symptoms and signs of asthenopia safely and effectively. :润洁萘扑维滴眼液1 4d内能安全有效地缓解视疲劳的一些症状和体征。
- Results Questionnaire indicated most patients complained about dry eye, foreinbody sensation, asthenopia and red eye. 结果调查问卷中,干眼患者最多的主诉是干涩、异物感、视疲劳、眼红。
- D: All the trouble in your throat may be due to a pharyngeal neurasthenia. 您嗓子的不舒服可能是由于咽喉神经官能症引起的。
- Conclusion The flickering light source may lead to the change of visual accommodation and cause the asthenopia. 结论荧光灯频闪可以使眼的调节机能发生变化,引起视觉疲劳。
- It is also functional of short eye sight, suppress the neurasthenia. 预防近视,抑制神经衰弱,治疗失眠.