- These birth defects are neural tube defects or NTDs. 这些出生缺陷被称为神经管缺陷或简称为“NTDs”。
- In 100,000 births, a screening program would avent 187 neural tube defects. 在100,000婴儿中,一项筛检可避免187个神经管缺陷。
- In 100, 000 births, a screening program would avert 187 neural tube defects. 在100,000婴儿中,一项筛检可避免187个神经管缺陷。
- The chorionic villi cannot be used to test for open neural tube defects. 但绒毛膜绒毛不能够被用于检测开放性神经管缺损。
- Folic acid supplements are now recommended for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects (spina bifida) in their children. 现在已建议孕妇补充叶酸以预防儿童出现神经管缺陷症(脊柱裂)。
- The morbidity of neural tube defects is 710‰,and the mobility of spina bifida accompanied with hydrocephaly is 94.12%. 神经管畸形围生儿死亡率为710‰,其中合并有脑积水的死亡率为9412%25。
- Jamieson Folic Acid si an essential pre-natal vitanmin, and heips prevent neural tube defects! 叶酸是怀孕之前和怀孕前期必备之物!可以有效预防胎儿神经管发育缺陷!
- The highest of neural tube defects is spina bifida,then is anencephaly encephalocele,and so on. 发生率最高的神经管畸形是脊柱裂,其他依次为无脑畸形、脑膨出、小头畸形。
- Neural tube defects may result in partial paralysis or brain symptoms such as dysplasia. 神经管缺陷可能造成局部瘫痪或是脑子发育不全等症状。
- Eating grains fortified with folate before and during pregnancy helps prevent neural tube defects during fetal development. 在孕前和孕期食用添加叶酸的强化谷物,防止胎儿发育过程中的神经管缺陷。
- However, unlike pilonidal sinus in humans, dermoid sinus in dogs is a neural tube defect. 然而,与人类的藏毛窦不同,皮窦是因犬只的神经管缺陷引起的。
- This large mid-thoracic meningomyelocele is another form of neural tube defect (NTD). 较大的胸段脊膜脊髓膨出是神经管缺陷的另一种类型。
- Recent studies have shown that Folic Acid may reduce the risk of birth defects including neural tube defects and spina bifida. 近期研究表明,叶酸能够降低婴儿出生缺陷,包括神经系统缺陷和脊柱裂。
- Inadequate dietary levels of the vitaminfolate canlead to megaloblastic anemia,neural tube defects and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. 人体叶酸缺乏会导致很多重大疾病的发生,而植物是人类最主要的叶酸来源。
- The incidence of neural tube defect was increased.The incidence of cheilopalatognathus and limb defectwere decrease. 神经管畸形发生率增加,唇腭裂、肢体畸形减少。
- Renal agenesis often associates one to three kinds of malformation,in which anorectal malformation,neural tube defects and ambiguous genitalia are common. 肾发育不良常伴发一至三种其他畸形,与直肠肛门畸形、神经管畸形和外阴性别不明伴发频率较高。
- Objective To describe the epidemiological features and dynamic trends of neural tube defects(NTDs),including anencephaly,spina bifida and encephalocele. 目的利用2000-01~2004-12期间山西省出生缺陷监测网收集的资料,描述围产儿无脑、脊柱裂和脑膨出3种神经管缺陷(NTDs)的流行病学特征及其动态变化趋势。
- Anencephaly is a form of neural tube defect that is typically an isolated birth defect that is not related to chromosomal abnormalities. 无脑儿是神经管缺陷的一种类型,是单纯性先天性缺陷,与染色体异常无关。
- Since folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects such as spinal bifida, you can see why it's so important to take it while trying to conceive and early in pregnancy. 叶酸能够帮助预防宝宝出现脊柱裂的先天性缺陷,因此在计划怀孕和怀孕初期补充叶酸是非常必要的。
- Neural tube defect (NTDS) is common congenital deformation about central nervous system.The incidence of it occupies commanding position in Birth defect in our country. 神经管缺陷(NTDS)是一种常见的先天性中枢神经系统畸形,其发生率占据我国出生缺陷的前列。