- The network society is a new society. 摘要网络社会是一个崭新的社会。
- Castells. M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Oxford:Blackwell. 魏江.;产业集聚--创新系统与技术学习[M]
- The conception of" Network society"( or" Cyber society") and its expression in English and Chinese is still a question. 网络社会"的概念及其中英文表述,仍然悬而未决。
- Anil Jain, Ruud Bolle, Sharath Pankanti. BIOMETRICS Personal Identification in Networked Society [M]. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. 甄斌;吴玺宏;刘志敏;迟惠生.;语音识别和说话人识别中各倒谱分量的相对重要性[J]
- Network society, the extension of the real society, is an important and indispensable part of real society. 网络社会是现实社会的延伸,是构成现实社会不可分割的重要组成部分。
- They express, be willing with the netizen a compose builds healthy, safety and red-blooded network society. 他们表示,愿意和网民一起构建健康、安全而又充满活力的网络社会。
- Castells,Manuel,2000,The Rise of the Network Society,Blackwell Publishers Ltd,p.602. 中译本,夏铸久等译,2001年,社会科学文献出版社出版。
- This paper analyses the divergence of the definition of" Network society"( or" Cyber society") and raises its preliminary solution. 本文分析了"网络社会"概念未能界定的分歧所在,并提出解决的初步建议。
- The traditional Confucian honesty advocates people being honest and keep his word,which is also necessary for network society. 儒家传统的诚信观念倡导人们诚实守信、真实不欺,网络社会同样需要儒家的诚信意识。
- Castells, M. 1996 The information technology revolution, in: The rise of the network society, Blackwell Publishers, p.29-65. 网络社会之崛起,第一章:资讯技术革命,台北:唐山出版社,页1-70。
- The high-level collective in actual society leaves his post do poineering work, appear animatedly in fictitious network society for the first time. 现实社会里的高层集体离职创业,第一次活生生的出现在了虚拟的网络社会里。
- Castells, M. 1996 The informational economy and the process of globalization, in: The rise of the network society, Blackwell Publishers, p.66-150. 网络社会之崛起,第二章:资讯化经济与全球化过程,台北:唐山出版社,页98-158。
- Basic Law on the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society: Liberalized restrictions on the export of encryption technology. 建设一个高度发达的信息与电信网络社会基本法:取消了针对加密技术出口的限制。
- The network society with the characteristics of virtue, share, compactness, interactant and openness consists of cyberspace and the people who act in it. 网络社会是由网络空间以及在其间活动的人构成的具有身份虚拟性、资源共享性、时空压缩性、交往互动性和系统开放性等特征的新型社会。
- In the network society,Internet has become an indispensable part of popular life,it becomes an important channel for Internet user to acquire knowledge and information. 在网络社会,互联网成为广大民众生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分,是网民获取知识和信息的重要渠道。
- The specificity of China is that it is at the same time a network society, a statist society, a capitalist society, and an agrarian society at the same time. 中国的独特之处在于,她是个网路社会,同时也是个国家主义的社会,资本主义的社会,和农业社会。
- This phrase usually means that personal has little choice, so we must passively adapt to the network society, otherwise ,we will take the risk of being obsoleted. 这句话常常意味着个人几乎没有什么选择,我们必须要被动地适应网络社会,不然就面临着被淘汰的危险。
- With the networked society arises the worrying question--will the computer-mediated delivery of knowl-edge supersede the traditional media? Will there be any room for survival for traditional media when the web presents its peculiar charm? 网络时代的到来,引发了人们对传统大众传媒生存前景的忧思,网络独具魅力的传播特质使很多人认为传统大众传媒将逐渐失去生存空间,为网络所取代。
- The International Neural Network Society promotes the understanding of biological and artificial neural networks. 国际神经网络学会:促进对生物与人工神经网络的了解。
- Equally fast-moving, say specialists, is the role of technology in what might be called "undemocratic protests": violent acts in prosperous, networked societies. 专家说,在繁荣的网络化社会中,技术在暴力运动中的作用同样变化迅速。而这些暴力运动可被称做是“不民主的抗议”。