- Management of the system driver for a base service. 基本服务的系统驱动程序管理。
- Video on-demand is a base service of B-ISDN. 视频点播(VOD)业务是B-ISDN的一种基础业务。
- Available bandwidth measurement (ABM) is critical to effectively implement QoS service in network based IP. 可用带宽的测量对于在IP网络上有效地实施QoS服务至关重要.
- Service for next generation network based on Parlay API (application programming interface) is studied. 研究了基于ParlayAPI(应用编程接口)的下一代网络业务.
- In Chapter Four, the construction of Extranet network based on DDN. 第四章主要介绍基于专线的Extranet网络架构和系统建设。
- IP multicast technology is a newly emerged network technology. Satellite network based multicast service is the mainstream service for next generation Internet users. IP组播技术是新兴的网络技术,依托卫星网络的组播业务更是下一代Internet为用户提供的主流服务。
- LBS,Location Based Service is a very hot research topic in recent years. 基于位置信息的服务(LBS,Location Based Service)是近两年来非常吸引人们关注的一个课题。
- The MAC protocol for HFC network based on TDMA/FDMA is studied thoroughly. 深入研究了基于TDMA/FDMA的HFC网络MAC技术。
- The microbrowser on the wireless device sends a request to the wireless network base station. 无线设备上的小型浏览器向无线网络基站发送一个请求。
- A Web based service system was proposed with the aim of dealing with the aftermarket service of CNC machine. 针对数控设备售后服务与技术支持问题 ;提出基于Web的服务保障系统 .
- Location Based Services and Location-Enabled Business. 基于位置的服务和定位服务。
- Finally it gives a solution of the IP routing design in a large network based on the DCN of telecommunication provider. 以一个电信运营商的宽带运维网络为背景,探讨了大型网络系统中网络路由的设计问题。
- And for the example of comfort application, if a gourmand can easily find some suitable restaurants by using the location based service through VANET. 或是开车族可以透过VANET网路所提供之服务,获取有关停车位位置之资讯。
- This paper raises to design the management information system for power transmission network based on GIS. 本论文从电力系统输电网络管理的要求出发,结合生产实际,提出在地理信息系统(gis)的基础上,构建杭州电力局的输电网络生产管理系统。
- In this paper we introduce an P2P based service management system for digital city,and discuss how to design and implement the platform. 本文提出基于P2P模式的数字城市服务管理系统,并对平台设计、实现进行了探讨。
- Design of CAN Communication of Local Controller for Heating Network Based on DSP. 热网现场控制器的CAN网络通信设计。
- Welcome to discuss about IPTV, Media, Education, Knowledge management and network based relationship management. 希望与大家探讨:网络电视、传媒、教育、知识管理、关系管理。
- In order to activate 3 years warranty, you must register your product within 2 weeks. Otherwise, we offer one year return to base service upon invoice or product production date. 请于两星期内为阁下产品登记保用,以上的三年保养计划方能生效。否则本公司祗根据单据或产品生产日期提供壹年自携保养服务。
- Now SNMP has been the industrial standard for manaement computer network based TCP/IP. 目前,简单网络管理协议SNMP已成为对TCP/IP网络进行管理的工业标准。
- In multi-hop Ad hoc network based on IEEE 802.11,Frequent collision in MAC layer influences TCP performance. 在MAC层基于IEEE 802.;11的多跳Ad hoc网络中;底层频繁的冲突严重影响了TCP的性能。