- According to different functions, there're 4 kinds of network virtual property: 1.E-mail Address 2.Numbers of IM(Instant Messenger) Software. 按照功能的不同;网络虚拟财产主要可分为以下四类:1.;电子邮件地址; 2
- As the disputes on network virtual property become more and more, it is high time for us to seek justification for the protection of virtual property. 摘要随着网络虚拟财产纠纷的不断出现,为网络虚拟财产寻求正当性解释成为虚拟财产法律保护的当务之急。
- The network virtual estate formed in NetPC games can be regarded as actual wealth in terms of the same attribute and characteristics of virtual property with actual one. 网络虚拟财产具备许多与现实财产相同的属性和特征,可认定为财产。
- network virtual property 网络虚拟财产
- During the course of the production,change of virtual property in network games,corresponding legal relationship of virtual property substantively has formed. 在网络游戏虚拟财产产生、变更的过程中,实质性地形成了相应的虚拟财产法律关系。
- The network virtual circuit was terminated due to a time-out or other failure. 因为超时或其它的错误,网络虚拟线路被终止。
- Preface: discuss the background of crimes involving virtual property. 序言主要是讨论虚拟财产犯罪研究背景。
- Joshua Fairfield, Virtual Property, 85 B.U. L. REV. 1047, 1089 (2005). 寿步.;网络游戏虚拟物的财产权定位[J]
- It is very important to fix Network Game Virtual Property, to settle its corresponding position in the current civil law, to make sure its Property value and adscription and to design legal protection countermeasure. 探讨虚拟财产的法律保护,必须界定虚拟财产,搞清它在民法中的地位,确定其财产价值及归属,设计法律保护的对策等。
- But network virtual terminal (NVT) is in the entire agreement a crucial role link. 而网络虚拟终端(NVT)是整个协议中起关键作用的一环。
- At present,the network virtual money is only a kind of commodity,which is quite different from the real curr... 就目前而言,网络虚拟货币还只是商品,与真实货币或准货币还有很大的差别。
- With the development of the network games, the virtual properties of the games are becoming the foci causing disputes. 摘要随着网络游戏的发展,网络游戏中的虚拟财产成为纠纷发生的焦点之一。
- Presently,people take two contrary views(affirmative and negative)on the attribute and legal protection of virtual property in on-line games. 关于网络游戏虚拟财产,对其是否具有财产属性以及是否予以法律保护的问题,目前肯定论与否定论这两种截然相反的观念交锋激烈。
- Wu Wei,Sui Aina,Zhou Zhong.Expression of virtual human movement in network virtual environment[J].Journal of System Simulation,2000,12(4):327-329. [3]吴威;隋爱娜;周忠.;分布式虚拟环境中虚拟人运动的表示[J]
- With the rapid development of the internet game, the knottiness of virtual property in the internet game occurs continually. 随着网络游戏产业的快速发展,关于网络虚拟财产的纠纷不断出现。
- Is the same in the network virtual environment and the reality, various people have, various deceit technology also runs amuck. 在网络的虚拟环境中和现实中一样,各种各样的人都有,各种各样的欺骗技术也都横行。
- The paper exoatiate on the reasons why consumers' creation is new type of property and the definition of virtual property's attribution. 本文阐述了认定用户创制物为一种新类型财产的理由及其虚拟财产的法律定性问题。
- Abstract: In recent years, there are a lot of cases about the net virtual property, but the correlative laws of China is distempered. 文章摘要: 近年来,有关网络虚拟财产的民事纠纷不断发生,但是我国的相关立法尚不健全。
- The Telnet protocol is analyzed which includes network virtual terminal, option negotiation and symmetry. Its application in Network Monitoring System is realized using VC 6.0. 简析了Telnet协议的组成;包括网络虚拟终端、选项协商和对称性;结合协议原理;在VC6.;0环境下实现了其在网络监控系统中的应用。
- Virtual property of Internet games has actual economic value and the feature of disposable movable property,which could be the target of stealing. 网络游戏中的虚拟财产具有现实的经济价值和可支配的动产属性,可以作为盗窃罪的犯罪对象;